Monday, December 31, 2007


Well, 2007 has scant few hours left in it, and while many are spending their time in retrospection of the year gone by, we are not even halfway through our season and still looking forward to things to come. There is no doubt that 2007 saw a great many changes for the Game Night teams, and we continue to celebrate them weekly – we needn't rely on the end of the year to remind us of this. But, the expiration of the calendar does serve to remind us of the ever-present opportunity to reinvent ourselves, to start anew and go boldly forward in the direction of our choosing. And before Summer and Tiffany M. stop reading….


Well, the past week saw a couple of important things: First… CHRISTMAS!!! I've heard from many of you that you had wonderful holidays, and that the Sunday Love wish list was even effective in some cases (most notably Whitney's), and, I hope that you all got everything your heart desired (or in Nicole's case, everything the slightly-chilly-area-near-the-center-of-your-chest desired, lol). As for me, I was home again with my sister's kids… and for the few of you here last year to meet my niece – here are some updated pictures…

Yes, I know, other people's family pictures are about as exciting as a Kenny G concert, but hey, they're cute kids…

Anyhoo, it was only a couple days later that we were back in STAPLES Center, and hosting the Suns for the first half of a home and home. It's no secret that our team hasn't been playing fantastic basketball lately – but we are slowly starting to get some missing pieces back and having a point guard that doesn't look like your neighbor's kid or slightly taller and less talented Gary Coleman was a welcome change. Of course, Sam did have a few weeks of rust to knock off… and it showed in the first game. Let's be honest, Wednesday night's game was probably the worst we've had this year. I saw more excitement at UCLA's post Las Vegas Bowl party… (sorry, Coach) People were literally leaving in the third quarter, and those were Suns fans! The game also featured one very bad joke by yours truly during Clippers Tonight, a halftime act with the only woman alive who can take off a dress faster than Kristen M., the first "booing" I've heard in three years.

But thankfully, we had a chance on the following night to redeem ourselves, both as fans and as a basketball team – and so commenced the second-ever Game Night Road Trip! And what a trip it was… First off, a huge hats-off to the Millers for hosting, driving, and funding the lion's share of the venture… way above and beyond anything we could have expected… and it certainly wouldn't have happened without you! Second, thanks to everyone who came: Tiffany M., Brittany, Tiffany C., Whitney, Melissa, David S., David W., Joey, and yours truly. Everyone brought a little something different to the trip, and really made it an event.

Because I know you're waiting for them… the pictures:

As for a rundown, it's hard to know where to start… the road trip out started a little later than we'd hoped, but once underway from the Millers' beautiful homestead in Anaheim, we quickly commenced the "Catchphrase" marathon, from which David and Joey emerged perpetually victorious, and Whitney unable to secure victory regardless of which she played on. We set up Guitar Hero in the back and learned that Whitney and Edamame are at least better than Joey at something. We feasted at a roadside Arby's and nearly lost David S. in the men's room – but in case you're ever in such a situation, you can rest easy if Whitney is along on your trip… she's totally ok with poking her head in the bathroom door and shouting your name to a bunch of strangers like your mom at the mall when you were eight. It wasn't too long before the road sleeps took over and naps were had by many. At some point (I'm not sure when because I crashed out in the middle of playing Guitar Hero) the movies started and "The Kingdom" had everyone who was still awake glued to their seats. For those who couldn't follow along with the plot, T. Chen was providing running commentary and quick explanations if you got a little lost… We got to the hotel about 15 minutes before the end of the movie, and because we were cutting it close, had to pause it while we all got rooms and got ready.

Everybody got all Clippered-up, and we headed out on foot the arena, only a block or so away. Tom arranged for us to meet up with the Suns dance team, and it was no sooner that we walked in that Joey had one of them up in lib and we were talking like old friends. Funny thing is about the Suns girls, they don't have a stunt team, but they do have a Varsity and JV dance team… or as they like to call them, "lower level" and "upper level" named after the part of the arena they get to perform in. Seriously, it's like working at Abercrombie & Fitch… there "front of the store" kids and "stock room" kids… don't worry though… our girls would all definitely be "lower level" performers… you gotta love how no matter where we go – we always have the most beautiful girls (and the best dancers… right, Whit?)!

So, the game was a lot closer than most folks expected and we were loud and rowdy throughout (exactly like everyone expected) – making plenty of new friends in Phoenix. Some highlights:

Face painting – Friday night lights, style… The guy didn't have any blue, though…

Cuttino waving to all of us from the bench…

David S. and I getting gratuitous camera time while dancing, and D Tumblz standing between us not dancing (guess he's starting that straight-month thing early)… and not to forget Joey, sitting on the end trying really hard not to look embarrassed – actually he wasn't trying that hard…

The three Dungeons and Dragons Club members behind us trying to talk trash, with their team both winning the game and leading the Western Conference … and still coming up short…

The look on Tom's face … I'd call it a What-have-I-done? sort of thing…

The girls getting boo'ed, but still yelling at each opposing free-throw shooter…

Turning "De-fense" into "Clip-pers" (again)…

Seeing Ralph again, and this time having him know we were there…

My sudden and irrational urge to take self-portraits with every Suns fan I saw (see photos)…

Giving out Clippers Nation wristbands to kids and seeing the look on their parents' faces…

All in all, it was quite a night… now, in the interest of full disclosure, I have to admit, that I had a little to drink at the event, and I may have gotten a little bit aggro with a security guy who insisted that I not put one of the girls on my shoulders behind a post-game broadcast, even though like six other Suns fans were doing it… I also may have confused him with one of the referees and claimed that he was making a "homer call"… also (I know, sorry Coach, there's an "also") I may be on camera giving my Clippers manifesto… which Edamame may have to upload to YouTube… what can I say? I'm a passionate fan …

The evening after the game was a little short for me, and using let's-see-if-he-can-still-play CatchPhrase metric for how awake I was didn't prove as accurate as suspected. But apparently the unintentionally funny bodily functions group has a new member. Now, I wasn't there – but I have it on good authority (meaning four different people, including T. Chen, told me) that Edamame gets a little flatulent when spanked… or maybe a lot flatulent. Okay, okay, she farts when spanked… which begs the question: why was she being spanked? Actually, that is a good question… Joey, why was she being spanked? Well, no matter what, consider yourself warned.

The road trip back was a little less jubilant – but fun nonetheless, as we stopped for Mexican food with a mariachi band consisting of one guy with a guitar and another with a harp. Yes, a harp. But they were really good and played, at our request, the song from the opening of Desperado. Sanchez was ordering double-secret Mexican drinks that weren't on the menu and we finally got to pay for something for Tom…

By the time we got home – folks were piling back into cars and heading home for the night, but there were many hugs and laughs, and I'm quite certain it was the best Fan Patrol-Spirit trip ever.

Now it's going to be New Year's Eve tomorrow night, so I figured I would once again forego the props section, and go with some proposed New Years resolutions for everyone:

Coach – to stunt at least once at a Clippers game, to root for a winning team, and to get carded at least once.

Shannon – to smile during warm-ups, to pay attention even with a boyfriend in the building, and to have even more pairs of cool socks.

Whitney – to wear sweatpants that fit, to do your favorite dance move high enough to get it on camera, and to finally get up the nerve to ask Keifer Sutherland out.

Taylor – to use your unfettered access to young, single doctors to hook some of your teammates up…, to get more excuses to wear business suits at games, and to finally see a Navy football game live.

Kristin E. – to hang out with teammates that live in Burbank more often, to completely kick the crap out of your students at the Studio City Sonki Boot Camp, and to develop a signature dance move that the FP can copy and mock you with…

Harmony – to add even more teammates to your client list, to find a way to teach others how to get into that amazing shape, and to laugh at at least one of Glenn's jokes.

Ashley R. – to date someone shorter than six foot, to go on tour, and to see a lot more hockey.

Rachel – to say at least one funny thing out loud on the court (no "old" jokes), to come on one FP-Spirit trip, and to get carded with Coach.

Tiffany C. – to stunt at a game, to start publishing movie synopses for the inattentive or just-plain-stupid viewer, and to try not to laugh every time you think about Edamame's "spanking" incident.

Edamame – to burp loud enough in front of everyone that they forget about the "other" gas incident, to bring sunglasses to wear on those trips where you're going to have the "sleepy eyes" the next day, and to please, please wear that black dress to an FP-Spirit outing…

Kelley – to start reading Sunday Love again (I promise to try and make it funnier), to try and write down some of your traffic rants (they're really quite entertaining), and to (sometime before 2009) activate your XM Radio.

Lynae – to eat something, to be as funny as you are outside the locker room as you are inside it, and to hang with the FP at least once before the end of the season

Alex – to wear your Snow White costume out to a non-costume party (trust me, no one will complain), to continue to wear that amazing smile at every opportunity, and to come along on an away-game trip.

Laura – to have at least one more Game Night event at the family bar, to teach your teammates at least one decent line dance, and to have Henry do at least one more beach photo shoot.

Tiffany M. – to never, ever again mess with someone's prescription medication, to continue to plan awesome trips for the Game Night crew, and get a whole lot better at CatchPhrase.

Nina R. – to do something more memorable than baring your midriff for Glenn to put in Sunday Love…

Brittany – to, while spending more than 36 hours with teammates, say more than 8 things!!! to continue to kick butt in school, and to come back for another season of craziness.

Nicole C. – to more vocally represent for your Bruins, to get at least one photo shoot done (which you may choose to share, at your option, with the FP), and to get your broker's license? (scratch if you already have it)

Ashley S. – to please, please do something to get back into Sunday Love, or should I start looking in Us Weekly, or on TMZ for gossip about you?

Tami – to continue to represent at Open Gym, to help Tiffany C. get a gig planning parties, and to maybe get a hold of that diamond ring this year…

Summer –
to come to at least one non-mandatory FP event, to get the high-split pyramid named after you, too, and to start dressing a little more like a longshoreman (this involved a lot more flannel, FYI).

Nina E. – to stop worrying about how you look in those red shorts (trust me, it's all good), to get up into the stands with the more vocal FP members more, and to totally hold out for the earrings and the trip…

Nicole B. – to speak up in the locker room, to teach at least one person from the FP how to "totally shred", and to please stop torturing that intern…

Nate –
to heal more quickly, to grow out at least a small patch of hair on your head (or maybe just a goatee), and to always have an emergency stash of pain killers at games

Leslie –
to stop distracting Glenn with that "shake" thing you do, to stop pretending like you "don't know", and to finally get a decent fake ID

Kristen M. –
well, there's the obvious one, but I won't go there… so to please, please stop sharing your cell phone videos (I think Nina may be scarred for life)...

Katie -
to beat the rest of us into some respectable shape, to come to a lot more games, and to find a summer wardrobe as cute as your winter one...

Josh -
to rest long enough to actually heal, to get the FP to actually listen during pre-game, and to get maybe just one more cool tattoo

Joey -
to be a whole lot nicer to Glenn in the locker room, to get a whole lot better at Guitar Hero, and drive a whole lot less...

D-Tumblz -
to have a great "Straight February", to get a little crazier when out on floor with me and Dave, and to get that toss cupie.

Dave Sanchez
- to come back for season SEVEN, to keep me from killing myself on my Indo Board, to shred as many waves and mountains as possible, to continue to achieve and still never forget where you came from, to find out why we didn't get invited back to judge your sister's contest, and keep calling me out when I do something stupid...

Arturo -
to be nicer to your spine, to keep that amazing positive attitude, even if we're twenty games under .500, and to come on at least one FP trip

Cortlin - to sit at least once with the proletariat on the upper level at STAPLES, to sweat a little less, or talk a little less about it, and to adjust yourself a little more discreetly

And don't forget Sunday Love QUOTES:

"Well, it's not like you all haven't had sex in my bed or anything…" - Kristen M. arguing with her roommates in the locker room… and taking the over-share to a brand new level. Note to self: bring CSI light if ever staying over at Kristen's… and Clorox.

"Well, they started off hard, got soft, and then got hard again" – David W. in the locker room, talking about cookies. What did you think he was talking about?! Perverts…

"There are going to be balls flying all over the arena!" - and the award for worst copy to accompany a promotion in STAPLES goes to…

"Mr. and Mrs. Miller I farted…" (pause for goading by teammates) "…after Joey spanked me" – Edamame… Classic.

"You watch Oprah?" – and the award for flattest on-camera joke goes to…

"Sometimes you just want to try something new" – David W. talking about changing sexuality like it's picking a favorite ice cream flavor. Nice.

"Girls, I have a serious question… guys cover your ears… Are my boobs too big?" – Stripper girl outside of Marleje's (bar in downtown Phoenix) talking to our table when she found out who we were and wanted to try out for the Spirit. She asked with a straight face. Whitney and I had different answers to her question…

Okay all, no college football this week... but hey, the Pats are 16-0 and it's time to start watching the NFL Playoffs!

I just want to take this opportunity to wish all of you the happiest of New Years... It's been a pleasure to spend this year with each of you and I'm looking forward to the year to come. Here's the only lyrics you need to know tonight...

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.

auld lang syne literally means "old long since"—but a more idiomatic English translation would be something like "long long ago", "days of long ago", "in olden days", or even "once upon a time". "For old time's sake" or "to the good old days" may be modern-day expressions, in common use as a toast, that capture the spirit of "for auld lang syne."

Here's to our "good old days", the ones we're making every day this season.

God bless you all. Happy 2008!

Truitt, OUT

Monday, December 24, 2007


I know what you're thinking... it's the holidays, everyone's away or with family... there's no practice, and Glenn's in Colorado... there probably won't even be a Sunday Love! But you'd be thinking wrong!!! Even when I'm home for the holidays, I haven't forgotten about my Clippers family! So with my Christmas shopping finally completed, and my extremities mostly frozen completely...


Okay, so I'd love to open with a little Dickens here, but it's really been mostly the worst of times for our beloved Clips... and whats worse, they seem to be having their worst luck in STAPLES Center!!! And a trip to Texas didn't help at all... so now we've got a two-day home and home against the always tough Suns to try and turn this thing around... at least they know they can count on us (Thanks to Tiffany's dad) being at BOTH GAMES! Because no matter what luck may befall our boys, the Game Night entertainment crew is still bringing the ruckus like we're playoff bound! Woo haw!

Of course, it is the holidays, and no matter what holiday you are celebrating, it really is all about giving, and family and sharing this time of year - and nothing could embody those ideas better than our hosting Tyler McKinnon and his mother last Tuesday. I can't say enough to each of you for taking the time to say hi and take pictures with Tyler. But more so than that, I want to thank Marianne and Coach for going the extra mile and making it a real night to remember. For those of you that read Tyler's website, I'm sure you'll agree that what the Clippers did for him was every bit as good as his Make-a-Wish trip - and I'm certain it's something he'll remember for the rest of his life. Spirit, you were all so gracious in posing with him at center court, and the FP crew, I can't thank you enough for taking the time just to talk with him. Over and over, all he kept saying was "That was awesome..." and it really was.

For those of you so concerned, I wrote a little ditty on the subject - complete with one very cool photo.

Also - my few pictures of that night... hopefully Coach will share some of the ones that the "official" photographers got:

You gotta love my flop sweat, like I was being interviewed with Ashley Ramirez in the room.... :)

So seeing as how it's Christmas Eve (yes, I know, this is another Sunday Love going out on a Monday, Shannon...) I figured instead of Sunday Props, I will put a copy of the wish list that I sent to Santa on all of your behalves...

Dear Santa,

All of my Clippers family have been exceptionally good this year... except maybe Joey and David, but they meant well, and they're really only naughty on the weekends. So, because I have gotten to know them so well, and because I know they're too nice to ask for it, except for maybe Nicole, who probably sent you a detailed list... Here are my Christmas wishes for them:

Coach - for a few more wins for UCLA next year, for another year of not looking even close to her age (also if you could throw in that surprised look people have on their faces when her kids run up to her and call her "mommy") that would be great.

Shannon - for a gift certificate to - because there's just something about a pretty blonde girl in exotically cool socks; I'd let you pick our your own, but she probably has all the ones you have in stock up there... and for an alarm clock that rings with "Smile, Shannon!" so that she can start the day with that million-dollar gleam...

Whitney - for a really comfy pair of sweatpants, a couple sizes too big (so a Small should do nicely) and an oversized v-neck t-shirt that has been washed about 30 times already... because no one really rocks that outfit like she does.

Taylor - for another great business suit, I'm-just-directing-tonight, game-night outfit... for a reality show based loosely around her Meet-the-Spirit-this-is-Taylor piece than ran on the STAPLES jumbo-tron ... because I was glued to that thing like it was the OJ verdict...

Kristin E. - for Rock Band to practice with at home... heck, for a real drum set if her parents will let her have it... and for a better band to practice with than me and Dave Sanchez.. maybe Radiohead... and for a trip to Fuji Sushi (set her up with Max, the best sushi chef, ever!)

Harmony - for even better abs (which I understand may not be anatomically possible) and for having "Harmonized" be an actual word in the new Webster's - definition 1 to be "verb: to have one's hair done really, really well in Venice"

Ashley R. - well, I was going to wish for a rock star with a David Sanchez-style do, fancy jeans, and exceedingly well-groomed facial hair... but she already got that - so I suppose I'll just wish for better balance in those boots...

Rachel - for a few more years for Glenn on the FP, so she won't have to get any of the "old" jokes... and to finally stop getting carded at bars and rated R movies...

Tiffany C. - for a lot more stunt time, a new pair of Nike cheer shoes, and a few nights off so she can go to open gym. For even more "specialty photo shoots" ... and for a couple magazine covers in 2008...

Edamame - for a little more time spent with the FP to bring out her previously-hidden inner cheerleader, and for maybe just one more black dress... because really, who knew? I'd wish for a cooler nickname... but come on, it doesn't get any better than that.

Kelley - for a shorter commute, or maybe just a little less traffic... okay, maybe just permanent access to the carpool lane... nicer accounts in Vegas, and luxury suite full of rabid fans (wait... she already has that)... for a year full of reasons to smile.

Lynae - for plenty more to say outside the locker room...

Alex - for an even zestier Halloween costume, perhaps a reprise of another of my childhood characters... in a way that will totally change the story for me... for a lot of on-court time and for a ride home from any FP-Spirit social outing, so she wont have any excuse not to come...
Laura - for a drama-free 2008... for no crazy rose-ladies at her bar... for even more great photo shoots - and for a much better editor at ESPN... someone who knows where the real star of the show is...

Tiffany M. - for forgiveness so she won't kill me for leaving her out of last week's Sunday Love, for a slew of really great motor-home trips involving her FP-Spirit family... for room service, and for a collection of personal electronics that are all PINK.

Nina R. - bless her heart, for some shirts that actually fit... for her to replace Rachel Ray as America's sexiest mom ... and for her 49'ers to really stop sucking...

Ashley S. - for a lot more mentions in Sunday Love, for a part in a hip-hop music video where she's getting out of a Ferrari in a Versace dress (I have no idea where that came from) and for even more really great shoes to wear home after game nights... (and you think I didn't notice...)

Brittany - for AMAZING grades this semester, and for some really well-deserved time off... for a fake ID (ha ha, just kidding Coach!!! no, but seriously, I know a guy...)

Nicole C. - for a blockbuster real estate deal, for a trade of her old team's record with her current team's record... and for the courage to speak up for her Bruins when Joey's talking a year's worth of smack...

and my beloved FP family... first, for a SPONSOR so that we can get photo cards, and maybe personalized web pages again...

Tami - for a better work schedule, less job stress, and better travel luck for her boyfriend... for continued awesomeness as a partner... and a little more weight in her hands for Tarzan-up

Summer -
for a few more bikini pictures... okay, that's really more on my wish list... for brownies, cookies, candy... some cake, and the continuing good fortune of a metabolism that can consume all that and still look like, well, Summer... :)

Nina E. - for a gig with the FBI, the crime lab, or whatever other awesome thing she wants to do. For even better hair (if that's really even possible), a trip to the Bahamas and diamond earrings (in case a certain someone doesn't come through)...

Nicole B. - for a new snowboard, season passes to every resort in driving distance... a backstage pass at the X-games (like she needs it)... and the courage to speak what's really on her mind...

Nate -
for a brand new shoulder, for some stock options before the XM-Sirius merger, and for MSU to the final four ... so someone can talk else besides our UCLA people can talk smack in March

Leslie -
well, I'd wish for the perfect butt, but I think we all know she's already got that... so instead... for a better collection of boyfriends, a decent fake ID (ha ha! again Coach, just kidding!!!), and a real night out on the town.

Kristen M. -
for free round-trip flights to Vegas, a 4.0 final quarter and for a horrible electrical accident to erase all of the photos, videos and stored text messages on her cell phone... also for a spell-checker (which she'll hopefully re-gift, if you know what I mean)

Katie -
for world-wide success for Sonki Fitness, including an infomercial and magazine cover... for her Ravens not to suck and for at least one alternate sexy dance intro...

Josh -
for two brand new ankles, and the sense not the mess those up with some crazy tumbling nonsense. For great grades, a little more time off and some Saturday-night spending money... for a team that listens even when they're tired ;)

Joey -
for better gas mileage, better work hours, and more events planned closer to Simi Valley... for improved Guitar Hero skills, a triple cupie, and continue sports success for all of your teams... for a gig as a firefighter, and for a really, really great girl...

D-Tumblz -
for a healthy start to the year (so Katie won't have to complain of SARS in the locker room), for an even better wardrobe (which may not be possible)... for success for all the teams you coach... and maybe a little time off

Dave Sanchez
- what do you give the guy who has everything? Well, Dave's the happiest guy I know, so this is tough... what do I wish for Dave? Everything he's ever wanted, really... but for now, no traffic on the way to downtown, continued success for his girls, new tube socks, a copyright for his hairdo, a lift ticket to Mammoth, the love of his life, new tires and backstage passes for Rage Against the Machine... how's that?

Arturo -
for a little more positive attitude at games... sheesh. HA! I kid, I kid... seriously, for continued success in all the amazing changes he has made in his life... and for a new spine, to replace the one he abuses every night at STAPLES...

Cortlin - for the girl who, literally, has everything... forgive me waxing philosophical... I wish for her to have friends to surround herself with, who care about her and will keep her safe from harm... also for an all-body antiperspirant, or maybe just that laser treatment for excessive sweating in awkward places... and maybe a re-install for that brain-mouth filter thing...

Clippers - for a healthy Sam Cassell, Elton Brand and Sean Livingston... for enough wins to be in it when Elton comes back, and for the pride to play through adversity with their heads held high... and for an All-Star nod for the Caveman...

So, that's my list big guy.... see what you can do...

So, college football in nearly wrapped up for the season...

UCLA very nearly got it done, with one of the great comebacks of the year... and with a third string QB no less... but one fingertip kept it from happening, and a blocked field goal has given Joey bragging rights (and some sweet game tickets) for the next year. have to respect the way it went down to the wire... but the Bruins will likely chock this year up as loss - we'll see if they can pick themselves a head coach in the coming weeks and dust themselves off for 2008. Maybe Coach can actually win some bets next year. :) As for BYU - lesson learned, don't bet against the boys from Provo. I get the funny feeling that Coach will still get her night out on the town, though...

...and I have to eat some crow, because lightning has struck and Navy lost their bowl game to Utah. I have to hand it to the Utes, they played a hell of a game, but there's no doubt that the officials blew the call of the game... and by no doubt, I mean they issued an official mea culpa:

So, we got homered by some west coast officials, and Utah finally has something to smile about after losing in the last minute to BYU... and we lost our coach, but we'll be back - Commander-in-Chief's trophy in hand and I'll have another year of trash talking to do... Props to Joey for joining me for the game - and listening to my ranting...

At least there's still the Rose Bowl left to watch... which should be about as competitive as me wrestling with Joey... Fight on.

As for Sunday Love quotes, I only have one:

"Thank you, guys" - Tyler McKinnon, age 16.


Twas the night before Christmas,
and in downtown L.A.
the Center was prepping
for a Laker Christmas Day

As the bandwagon donned
Kobe jerseys anew
The "Nation" was resting
it's red, white and blue

For while Clipper fans listened
for the big man and Prancer
Laker fans hoped for parade waves
from twelve snotty dancers

The Game Night crew rested
with family and fun
making sure they were ready
for a home and home with the Suns

With me in Colorado
and Sunday Love coming late
still desperately searching
for a good New Year's date

I spotted the big man
big bag in the cold
and not stitch on him
was either purple or gold

I peeked in the bag
and what did I see?
A new heel for Elton
and Sean's brand new knee

And right at the bottom
A new calf for Sammy
and from Kobe's wish list
A trade to Miami

So I looked at Santa
and asked him, its true
What on earth did he have
to give the Game Night crew?

He nodded his head
and said without blinking
well, I got your wish list, Glenn
and it got me to thinking

I could grant your wishes
The presents and more
Your hopes for successes
and Clips wins galore

But there's only two things
that I've got for them this year
the first can't be wrapped
and the second should be clear

My first gift, a reminder
though you got it this fall
That you've all got each other
the best gift of all

Then he started off
and headed back for the door
I stared in wonder
and got up from the floor

And just before he left
I remembered he'd said
There were two presents coming
and only one had he read

But he gave me the second
Standing there in my slippers
He shouted "Tell all your friends...


Merry Christmas to all... and to all a good night. :) Happy Holidays to you and yours... and in the immortal words of Tiny Tim... God Bless us, everyone.

Santa Truitt, out

Monday, December 17, 2007


Well folks, it's finally happened... a whole week has gone by, without a Clippers home game... and as nice as it was to be home - it does feel a little weird not to be at STAPLES for so long... But that doesn't mean that nothing happened!!! RIGHT?!?! So bring on the


Before today... the Clips had a decent road trip going... and by decent, I mean, we won 2 out of 3 games (and should have won all 3 if it wasn't for a complete meltdown in Charlotte... yeah, I know... CHARLOTTE) And, as I heard from many of you who took in games on TV or at your local sports bars, it's fun to win, even if we're on the road.

And hey, we did have one very interesting day of practice... punctuated by Hi-Def interviews. Honestly, is anyone as not psyched about being interviewed in Hi-Def as I am? I mean, don't get me wrong... as the two of you who came to my house to watch the game tonight can attest to... I'm a big fan of the Hi-Def... as is any bachelor. But seriously, I'm not certain anyone should be shot close up with that much definition without wearing make-up of some sort. I mean, really, I think I'd be much better off just a little bit blurry... I may send those guys an e-mail and see what they can do... maybe they can shoot just me in regular definition... Okay, fine, so maybe it's just me. But the green screen behind me was a little creepy too... I mean, I know they say they'll just put up Clippers stuff behind us, but, the movie dork in me thinks I'll end up talking about myself in front of a Delaware postcard. "Hi... I'm in Delaware"... anyone? anyone?

Practice was still good, however... the FP got all silly with new pyramids, a couple of us got kicked in the face (always a good time, and not including Dave Sanchez for once)... and the Spirit must have been having fun... because I heard Footloose about ten times being playing in their practice room... and hey, who doesn't like dancing to Footloose? There was even time for a fifteen minute ass-whupping from Katie before people had to bolt for STAPLES to watch us forget to play the fourth quarter (again) against the Lakers, and leave Laker fans with bragging rights until 2008... ugh. At least my abs got a workout. Honestly, I think we'd have a better shot winning games with a brick of swiss cheese playing point guard than we do with Dan Dickau... don't get me wrong, he seems like a nice enough guy... even looks like a kid that used to live on my block. But if want to see a point guard heave up 3 straight missed shots in the fourth quarter, I'll go watch the Knicks play. If Dan gets any colder from anyplace besides the free throw line, I think he'll freeze solid. Maybe a haircut? It worked for Kaman... and I'll bet Harmony would give him a great deal...

The only other high point of the week has been setting up for Tyler's visit. A big shout out to Kelley who took it upon herself to not only buy, but also to deliver to Tyler, a whole stocking full of Clippers gear and Christmas goodies... including an Elton Brand jersey, a shirt for his mom and hats for both of them (and some other Clippers swag). Despite the fact that she had a green light to go visit them this morning (Sunday)... when she showed up (around 10 am), they were still sleeping. But ever the bringer of Christmas cheer - Kelley still dropped off the goodies with Barb (Tyler's mom) and sped off to practice. That girl's a trooper! Good on ya, Kel!

So, with today's stellar practice and less than stellar game firmly in the rear-view mirror... let's have some SUNDAY PROPS:

- for stunting... which normally isn't a big deal in Sunday Love... except that you're on SPIRIT! I'm not going to lie, I thought you were joking when you turned around and grabbed wrists... I really did. But I figured, well, I might as well try and throw this... and BOOM, you're up in hands, and then BOOM, you're up in lib. I mean, WOW... who knew? Well, apparently some of your teammates knew, because they were a LOT more shocked when Coach went up than you. But that was tremendous! Bring your stunting shoes to the game!

WHITNEY - for bringing cookies for the FP... as always, you've always made time for us, and we couldn't appreciate it more. Of course, by the time the FP had finished practice, that same plate of cookies had found their way into the SPIRIT practice room... and there were 4 LEFT... but, hey, I had one... they tasted awesome, and it's the thought that counts :) for your favorite dance move - which was just too low to get caught on camera...

COACH - also for stunting... because you were in exceptionally good mood... and having one of those making-sure-you've-still-got-it moments... rest assured, you still do! Oh the look on the Spirit's faces... classic!

SHANNON - for remembering to SMILE, even during Katie's workouts... some things you can count on: death, taxes, and Shannon smiling. Seeing World of Socks at Citywalk made me think of you instantly... but I figured you probably already have all their cool stuff already..

NINA E. - for being as big of a Christmas music dork as I am. I mean, really, who else could appreciate Monster Ballads Xmas?! (it is a great Christmas album, FYI... who can resist "I'll Be Home for Christmas" being covered by Quiet Riot and Lita Ford?!?!)... also for requesting me as a base for pyramids... nothing makes a base feel better than that.. it makes it all worthwhile!

NINA R. - for totally rocking out with the top ponytail after Spirit practice when nobody's looking... well, almost nobody :) ... remember the Ashley R. rule of Sunday Love: if you think no one saw - Sunday Love did...

KATIE - for totally manning up while mid-basing pyramids... not only did you shoulder press Tami up over your head in the Swedish Falls to flat-back - but then you just muscled her up onto your thigh during the 1-1-1... impressive. Also for putting yourself into certain peril, staying tight and letting the boys save you - your right leg was the only thing between you and your face hitting the floor... three guys caught it, and you were safe. Textbook.

DAVID W. - for the save of the day on Sunday... I can't remember who you caught, Tami maybe? (I was just trying to keep Nina from hitting the deck) but if you hadn't been there, it would have been someone falling from 2 1/2 up, all the way to the ground. Nice job.

LESLIE - for all your great pyramid ideas! I can't say I followed them all, but they were a lot of fun to try, and I'm sure they will look amazing on the floor... Your patient explanations were great, and you always bring the same enthusiasm to practice that you do to games... You were awesome in your interview! Love the hand-slap after you were done talking ;) You even "clean" when you're by yourself!

ASHLEY R. - for making my interview a lot more difficult!!! Thanks :( Of course, for being the rock-star that you are... and for the record, 5'10" is plenty tall! I got Tiff C. to hands didn't I?!?!

NATE - for working with a separated shoulder. Yes, that's right folks, you read that correctly... now I know Nate would never say anything, cause he's hard like that... but you have to respect a guy that stunts with that. Seriously. Also, I didn't see anything wrong with your face - but what do I know?

ARTURO - for the 1-1-1. I haven't seen someone take that many shots to the face and keep going since the Leonard-Hearns fight in '81 ( ) ... and you looked like you had been in a fight afterwards! Gotta love you checking your head in the mirror to see if you had any serious injuries... And all of it with a smile!

TAMI - for going up in a ton of pyramids without ever having done them before... and trusting us to take care of you. You're always willing to get up there... and for a great job on the swing-up high split! The crowd loves the high split, and they're gonna love that move! For some great pics with David S., too (ask him about them)

BRITTANY - for finally getting a chance to talk with me! I was beginning to think you were a very pretty and talented mute girl... turns out you're pretty charming company after all ;) for, like a few other girls on the teams, managing finals while getting through a difficult performance schedule! Well done...

JOEY - for our on-camera performance... there really wasn't much to think about when the camera crew asked me who I could have some fun with camera... good times. For being the bedrock of all our crazy pyramids... for suggesting a viewing party at my place and then not showing up... (you totally missed out on the Rock Band performance!) For the great many saving catches you made all day at practice (and being one of the guys on Katie's right leg save)

KELLEY - for really stepping up big on the effort to make sure Tyler has a special day on Tuesday... that was way above and beyond the call of duty... I hope the teams, with your help, can make this a more regular occurrence for us. For that great smile ... and for totally kicking my butt at Katie's 15 minute ab festival...

KRISTIN E. - for totally coming to the Clippers-Lakers viewing party at my apartment! That was the only thing that made that experience bearable... Plus who knew you were such a good drummer?!?! For those of you looking for a drummer for your band, Kris is a hidden treasure... seriously! And also, she can totally nail Bon Jovi's "Dead or Alive" on vocals! Represent... Burbank!

DAVID S. - for getting through a marathon Sunday... including getting up at dark-o'clock in the morning to get your girls through a competition in Anaheim - and still showing up for practice, like a trooper... for all your great advice during pyramid practice... for demonstrating the upside-down high split in your Chucks, black socks and Target sweatpants... some things I just wish I could un-see, lol... oh, and for rocking the Sanchez ponytail while basing!

KRISTEN M. - for finishing up your next-to-last quarter of college! Well done! I'm certain you don't need any help celebrating, but have a fun week in Vegas!

NICOLE B. - for being undeniably you... at all times. for a great text-message conversation... for consistently great quotes, and one really funny interview, and getting Joey and I kicked out of the interview room... for being a bad-ass mid-base and all your great advice on the pyramids. for being the favorite target of the HD-camera crew...

SUMMER, JOSH & CORTLIN - missed you guys at practice... so hope to see you on Tuesday or soon!

ALEX - for not getting mad at me for accidentally leaving you out of last week's Love! And still having a hug for me at practice... see? that's why I love you! Good to see you again ;)

EDAMAME - mostly because I just like writing it...

LAURA - for being an awesome host for my trip to the Pasadena Pub Crawl... sorry I was such a stick-in-the-butt... but I knew I was going to have a big Sunday, so I didn't really partake in the festivities. Wow, how old does that sound? Geez. But your commentary on the nonsense that was abounding was well worth the trip!

try as I might... I still got nothin' on y'all. But, there are a lot games in the coming weeks - so I'll be watching! (as will my Spirit locker-room spies!)

.... Okay... don't think I forgot anyone this week... so it's off to the College Football wrap up...
So - there wasn't a whole lot going on (e.g. no Div I-A games) so we'll just deal with some of the other happenings:

UCLA - BYU - Jessie and Joey are still finalizing their bet for the game... Joey has offered to babysit Jessie's girls, and pay for an evening out for her and Bryce... and Jessie's still trying to come up with something comparable. So if you've got any good ideas, come with them... of course, it's really academic - UCLA will be (mostly) coachless, and God only knows who'll be playing quarterback (rumor has it they called Joey and asked if he wanted the job)... but hey, maybe they'll get Kristen back into a cheer mini-skirt and they'll get all inspired (shoot, those facials make me want to go play football)... You two better publish your bet details soon...


Utah has allowed 20 points or fewer in each of its last six games. The Utes own the nation's third-lowest points-against average at 15.6, trailing only Virginia Tech (15.5) and Ohio State (10.7). Navy was eighth in scoring at 39.9 points per game this season. The Midshipmen went 6-1 when they scored at least 35 points, and they never finished with fewer than 24 points. Navy enters the bowl on a four-game winning streak, capping the regular season with its most-lopsided victory by beating Army 38-3 on Dec. 1.

We're Head Coach-less... but no one digs deep like the boys from Annapolis... There's not going to be any betting on this one... but it will mean bragging rights for the year!

And... that's about it for college football... anyone have any favorite pro teams??? (Besides Katie's beloved Ravens who gave the lowly Dolphins their first win of the year... looks like they may need Katie back!)

So... here is a very short installment of SUNDAY QUOTES:

"What happened to your face?!?" - Nicole, and her very nice way of telling Nate that he may have some slight facial bruising during practice.

"Completely gay" - me, when asked during an interview: "How does it feel to be a male cheerleader?"

"I'm smiling, Glenn!" - Shannon, in the middle of superwoman's during Katie's workout when she was facing away from me... as if I had any doubt.

"This hurts to watch..." - David S., at the Clippers-Lakers viewing party. Amen, David.

... I feel like I'm forgetting some good ones... so, help me out!

I have to admit, I was a little disappointed when I walked into the end of Spirit practice and they just sort of "finished" and walked off the floor. I had always imagined that Spirit practice ended with a big dance circle and everyone taking turns showing off their new moves... oh well, at least the locker room is still a slumber party...

And hey, don't forget, Tiffany's road trip on December 28th, for the second half of a home and home against Phoenix! Check out her Evite and come along!!!

... if I forgot anything or anyone, please feel free to "Reply to All" and fill in for me where I left off... My next installment will be from the frozen tundra of suburban Colorado... I'm looking forward to seeing many of you on Tuesday, and for the rest of you all...please travel safely!

Truitt, out...

Monday, December 10, 2007


Wow... what a weekend... what a week. Just when I think that they'll be a Sunday Love without much in it... I have a week like this.. and Sunday Love comes strong once again. A heartbreaking game on Tuesday (I suppose they're all heartbreaking these days), an "interesting" viewing party in Huntington Beach, an away game in Sacramento (the greatest road trip EVER) and a Sunday with Shaq and the Clipper Girl All-Star backup dancers... whew... my head is spinning just thinking about it all. But all the while, Sunday Love was there to capture the action, the joy, and most importantly, the nonsense!

For those who went, the highlight of the week had to be the Sacramento trip... A few months ago, we had an idea: wouldn't it be fun if we got a group together and attended a Clippers away game? Well, that was September... and finally the day arrived. After arriving at Arco Arena shortly before the start of the game, we all got together in Tiffany's family RV in the parking lot - to get acquainted and maybe a little pre-partying... after donning our Clippers gear, we headed into the Arena - a small cadre of Red, White and Blue in a sea of purple and bad blonde dye-jobs (it was ever-so-clear that Harmony works nowhere near Sacramento). While the game had already started, we waited in the aisle by our seats.... but we didn't wait to start yelling. It was "Let's go Clip-pers!" from the very first moment we saw our boys headed down the court - and it didn't let up until the final horn. It's hard to describe the scene without being there, but I will do my best. The gym was like a really big version of the gym from Hoosiers (if you haven't seen Hoosiers, (1) you are officially not a real basketball fan and (2) you can educate yourself here:, complete with a scoreboard that looked like it was built sometime shy of when I was in high school (cue Joey here: yeah I guess it was in Roman numerals then, yuk, yuk, yuk!). I can only assume that the majority of fans were farmers, because (1) the predominant smell outside the arena was, well, "farmy" and (2) they turned at looked at us like we were something that landed in their field... you know, that sort of "Get the gun, Martha" look? It suffices to say, they have likely never seen anything quite like the posse we sent up there. A big Sunday Love shout out to EVERYONE who sent text messages and made phone calls to the folks who were there telling us EVERY time we were on the air on Friday... which came as no surprise, since besides the players, coaches, broadcasters and two old people in the upper level, we were the only Clipper fans in the building! Apparently there were some shots of me dancing... but that's probably blown WAY out of proportion... I mean, why would I be dancing?!?!

ANYHOO... here are the pictures... and I know there are 3 or 4 more cameras out there with shots... so PLEASE SHARE!

Of course, there were also two VERY big home games... highlighted by the debut of the I LOVE CLIPPER GIRLS song and an amazing dance performance! Didn't hear the song? I got you covered... I'm still looking for a decent video of the performance... but how about those promotional posters??? DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN Gina! We've gone hip-hop y'all! Well, in fairness, Whitney has always been hip hop... now the rest of us are invited ;). Seriously, though... what a cool event! The basketball at the home games has been less than inspiring... especially when we get really, really close - and don't win... ugh. That's SUCH a downer... but as always, the Game Entertainment group is bringing it every night, no matter what. The Spirit rocked out today with the Junior Jam, which is always a treat to see - and just when you think you've seen the least masculine on-court performers ever (hearken back to last week's Sunday Love, the baton twirlers and prancing tumblers) out come the shirtless, bald, spandex pants-wearing Russian gymnast guys who balance ON EACH OTHER. Don't get me wrong, it's impressive... but seriously, can we get like a machine gun demonstration or maybe some guys getting kicked in the groin - just to balance things out? I feel like I'm watching a variety show on Lifetime TV... :)

In addition, the SPIRIT also had their Holiday Party after today's game... and thanks to my insider LAURA, we've got some pictures of the event. Needless to say, that's the most hotness that the Liberty Grill has seen since, well, last week... but HEY, y'all did look good in there! Word on the street is that Tiffany came through with a gift that she wasn't even old enough to buy on her own... but come on, who doesn't like a bottle of Absolut Vodka, right? Of course, that's nothing compared to the FP holiday party where the vodka bottles were movin' around like the back room of a Russian mob house - but hey, that's just how we roll... Aside from that, I hear it was the standard exchange of Clippers swag (bedazzled, of course) and Bath & Body Works fruit-flavored body slather... punctuated by a tearful Coach's speech (she's good at those, isn't she???)... and Ashley R. running out the door like she was double-parked...


But without further ado, let's get to it... THE SUNDAY LOVE PROPS:

Nicole (I'll put this first so you don't have to read any further) - for coming to the realization that if you write your name on the inside of uniform items in BIG BLUE NON-PERMANENT INK, and then you sweat in those items, that ink well end up ON YOU... say... on your behind, for example. There is nothing so indelible on the brain as watching Nicole running about the locker room with her shorts half-pulled down, inviting team members to observe her now-blue derrier. Classic. But also for coming out to see Joey and me at a Kings game, was good to have you out!

Nate - for still playing hurt (believe me, I know), for understanding the value of Vicodin/Vicoprofen, and for taking Cortlin's knee to your dome while warming up baskets and not even blinking... that's TOUGH, y'all! See Nate, that's all you have to do to get into Sunday Love... get hit in the head! How do you think Sanchez gets in every week?

D-Tumblz - for putting together the GAUNTLET that was Tuesday's game... and for getting us through warm ups in just under 33 seconds... having all the time outs scheduled was tough, but it looked amazing. Also for that bank handspring, back handspring, step-out thing which is still my favorite tumbling pass to watch.

Katie - for you well-deserved and long overdue promotion! ... because once its on the INTERNET, it's REAL! For being consistently awesome at games... and for fixing it so that even a quarter of the way through the season, we haven't been scheduled together once... isn't that magical... :'( (one tear...)

Cortlin - I really have to force myself to put you this far down the list... no one makes it as easy as you do to get material for SL...for checking the fit of your red uniform shorts by repeatedly slapping your butt in the locker room mirror... I mean, really, what are you testing for? I suppose I should be glad, I've gone a whole week without having to hear about where you're sweating these days...

Nina E. - for always asking me if I'm serious when I tell you that you look great... for always looking great out there (yes, I'm serious), for the black leggings on Sunday... even though I know there's an inside joke there that I'm missing... for loving my Christmas mix! ... for calling in the rescue during the fan viewing party... sorry I left you to talk with that guy... when I think back on it, I guess he did look like the kind of guy who is writing a "manifesto" in his basement... my bad!

Arturo - for never seeming to get involved in locker room shenanigans... for being glued to your text messages before the games...for always answering my "Que paso?" with something really cool-sounding in Spanish, which most likely translates to "I wish you'd shut your gringo ass up"... for being able to handle Leslie's crazy jump and for always finding a way to get your stunts up and keep them up... someday your chiropractor will hate you, but for now, you're a bad ass!

Joey - for being my conscience... who would have thought? and for talking me "down from the ledge" more times than I can count. For being my wingman, and back up in Sac, for standing next to me on camera, even when I'm dancing like a goon... for totally nailing Katie's pancakes... (wow, that sounds a lot worse than the actual occurrence, but I think I'm just going to leave it) for loaning me something cool to wear in Arco, and for tolerating me as a basket toss partner...

Josh - for tolerating ALL of our cold-early-Sunday-morning crankiness... for running a great game today... for the turning arabesque (that was you, wasn't it?) for an awesome new stunt sequence that does not involve "illusions"... and for inspiring me to shout at opposing free-throw shooters every chance I get!

Sanchez - for thinking up the great new coordinated game flags idea! ... for back tucks even after pyro (while I'm busy crying about how my eyes hurt)... for better stunts every game... For letting Ashley R's new bf totally copy your hairdo... for always checking up on my volatile ass, because you just know when I'm not right about something... for almost approving my new music selection, and inspiring me, at least some of the time to listen to something that wasn't recorded in the 80's!

Kristen M. - for finally, finally doing something in the locker room which left me speechless (it took almost three years... well done!). Your cell phone is officially a house of horrors... for getting through your last semester of school, including mid-terms, term papers, and now finals, all while representing on the FP... not to mention the host of other things you're juggling... your consistently positive attitude is what makes it possible! We miss you at the games, though... looking forward to see you after Xmas!

Leslie - for calling me from the H. Beach appearance almost an hour before we're supposed to go on, and representing in the world's sketchiest Viewing Party for over an hour while we all braved the traffic to get there. Way to hold it down! For always having an amazing attitude on the court... for your BIG back tuck basket today... for being up in the stands... you are certainly a fan favorite.. and not just for THUGS anymore, lol :) Seriously, though... you look AMAZING out there!

Tami - for enjoying the Sac trip EVEN THOUGH your bf's flight got cancelled! (if you didn't hear this story you should really ask her about it)... for being AWESOME to work with at today's game... for always showing up at open gym... for always shouting, even with your self proclaimed "little voice"... for waiting at the airport... for walking through the Arco parking lot with're the best Tam! The trip wouldn't have been the same without you!

Summer!!! - for that crazy hip of yours :) ... for being positive, even when there are no desserts on the catering table... for the awesomeness of your high split... for your amazing attitude... for being awesome to stunt with... and for that look on your face when David suggested "toss cupie" for us at the end of that stunt sequence last week... almost as good as your post-basket-toss face!


I'm trying... TRYING to get some more stuff on y'all, but until I can get an insider, this is the best I can do...

Tiffany C. - for leaping into the FP warm-ups on Tuesday... seriously, you almost took out three of us with that thing! Don't dancers have something like "Fore!" in golf? Where you have to say something before you dance into a big crowd of people?!? Lookin' good on the poster, though... and you really should come to the next away trip!

Whitney - for "not having a reliable way of getting a hold of [me]"... ah nothing says "friendship" like: I've known you for two years and still don't have your phone number.. awesome ;)

Brittany - for hiding in a corner in the Spirit locker room, and being the only thing quieter than my cell phone ringer on a Friday night... I'm completely resolved to getting you out to karaoke before the season is done.. and, oh yes, you'll be singing Bon Jovi...

Kelley - for continuing the Cortlin-led tradition of locker room overshare with the announcement of your colon-cleansing and your intention to keep the results... wow... no, seriously... WOW.

Kristin E. - for rolling up in awesome dress... fancy boots, and what one Spirit socks EXPERT described as "Grandpa Socks"... I can only imagine what else was hidden under that top layer of fabulous... Awesome job on Clippers Tonight, though :) You look great up there.. for ALMOST making the shot today.. and getting a LOT closer than the guy twice your size that shot after you did!

Tiffany M - for being the best hostess EVER for the road trip pre-party! It just wouldn't have been as much fun without you there! For representing (along with Melissa) the Spirit very well up there... for having your dad and brother come along with the coolest RV I've ever seen (and, incidentally, for your Dad's great musical taste)... and for the room service order which inspired your quote ( see below).

Edamame - for letting me know that it's COMPLETELY ok to call you that :) ... for completely holding in down up in Sac... who knew you could yell like that?! for your first partner stunting lesson ... YOU'RE A NATURAL! for finishing up your vodka and Red Bull with me before we left the RV for the arena... TROOPER! I hope you make the next trip! We'll see you at open gym.... no seriously, we'll see you there!

Nina R. - for bringing the little one today! He's SO cute! Now I know where you got that jacket from... Lookin' good on the poster!

Laura - for the great holiday party pictures... for the half-court shooting lesson you gave... for being my locker room snitch... and for general awesomeness!

Shannon - for "saving" your good smiles for the game and not wasting them during warm-ups...

Rachel and Nicole - for nearly escaping Sunday Love for almost three weeks now... I'm going to be watching... I WILL get you before 2008 starts...

The Ashlies - for both dating rock stars... and is there any doubt? You're both gorgeous, charming and classy... rock stars should date more girls like you! Now, when you both get reality shows and get all famous... don't go crazy and end up marrying Tom Cruise or partying with Paris, ok? I guess I'll have to start looking for y'all in Us magazine, huh?

Taylor - for sharing my Navy pain at losing our Coach... :(

Harmony & Taylor - for awesome, awesome abs... I'm sorry, I didn't have anything else...

OKAY, Whew...

OOOPS... Almost forgot...

COACH - for making it through some VERY tightly scheduled games, for always looking sharp on gameday and doing it all with a smile... nice gangster pose with Kristin at the party! for always giving a great speech at our get-togethers... for hosting two great holiday parties... and for letting me do Clippers Tonight with Traci! SO much fun!

OKAY... NOW... for what's left of College Football...

San Diego Co. Credit Union Poinsettia Dec. 20
9 p.m.
San Diego, Calif. Utah vs. Navy ESPN
Pioneer PureVision Las Vegas Dec. 22
8 p.m.
Las Vegas, Nev. BYU vs. UCLA ESPN
Rose presented by Citi Jan. 1
4:30 p.m.
Pasadena, Calif. USC vs. Illinois ABC
BCS National Championship Jan. 7
8 p.m.
New Orleans, La. Ohio State vs. LSU FOX

Those are the games that are left that mean anything.. Tim Tebow becomes the first sophomore to win the Heisman Trophy and now he can look forward to relative obscurity for his pro career... Word on the street is the Joey and Jessie still haven't come up with a bet for the Las Vegas Bowl (I'm suggesting trading jobs for a game)... and NO ONE wants to bet against Navy (smart move). But, in sad news, after the most successful six seasons of any coach since WWII, Paul Johnson was hired away from Navy to coach Georgia Tech's football team, and the boys in Annapolis will be coached by their defensive coordinator in San Diego... no worries, though... it's only Utah... and you saw what BYU did to them... come on, 4th and 18?!?

At least USC fans will have Big Ten cupcake Illinois to look forward to beating up on in the Rose Bowl... They'd probably get a better game out of Appalachian State... The day Ron Zook beats a decent Pac-10 team is the day I start rooting for Notre Dame...

Okay... you've waited patiently, so here are your SUNDAY LOVE QUOTES OF THE WEEK!

"Good job coming out tonight.." - Nina E. to me after the fan viewing party...Uh, thanks, Neenz... didn't know you had the bar set so high for my performance. I actually maintain breathing throughout most of my games as well... can I get a high five?

"Someone put their bone in my soup!" - Tiffany M. after discovering the danger of ordering hot wings and soup, and letting your drunk brother hang out in your hotel room.

"I didn't like either the Kings or the Clippers, but now I like the Kings" - angry, bitter old lady sitting in front of us at Arco Arena to Katie... to which Katie lustily answered "GOOOOOOOOOOOO CLIPPPERS!" That's our girl!

"Dude, I saw you dancing on TV!" - at least 8 different people today... proving the maxim that if you do 10 things on camera, the most ridiculous one will be seen by the most people...

"I didn't even know you guys were up there..." - Ralph Lawler, after the Sac game... the only person in Arco Arena that didn't know we were there... at least he's paying close attention to the game...

"It's like a big slumber party in there" - undisclosed Clippers Spirit member, describing the scene in the locker room... funny, that's exactly how I imagined it. Are there pillow fights?

Okay y'all.... that's gonna do it for me...

Don't forget, Tiffany is planning another road trip for those who will be in town on December 28th, for the second half of a home and home against Phoenix! Check out her Evite and come along on the ROAD TRIP!

... if I forgot anything or anyone, please feel free to "Reply to All" and fill in for me where I left off... otherwise Happy Holidays to you and yours... God Bless and stay safe out there, see you all soon!


Monday, December 3, 2007


Well folks, believe it or not... this is the first Sunday Love for DECEMBER! Seriously, it feels like just a few weeks ago that it was August and we were just putting these teams together... but alas, we are officially mid-holidays... and the weather almost feels like winter. Well, almost. Funny how one can grow up in a place where the winter temperatures are in the single digits and then a couple decades later end up whining about the "cold" when it gets below 60... SIXTY for God's sake! I've become such a weather wussy!
But hey, a quick early shout out to the ladies of the Spirit/FP who always seem to make cold weather look so good with the scarf/boot/furry coat collar business they are sporting in and out of the arena these days. Makes me almost happy to see the cold... almost.

This week marked a couple of milestones: first, our beloved Clips are now under .500... which isn't really a milestone, but certainly sucks, and makes the reality of our injury situation much more prevalent (Sam, Elton... seriously... come back soon...I mean it); second, there was finally a game that I didn't work at... I know, it's tough to keep me away... I figure one of these days Jessie will figure out that I'd seriously do this gig for free and just take me right off the payroll altogether... but it never fails that despite the fact that I only miss 4-5 games a year in the locker room - I always seem to miss something fantastic (to be addressed later in Sunday Love Quotes of the Week); third, the FP holiday party has officially come and gone (pictures below).

As the Spirit found out, I tend to get a little festive this time of year, and for all of the stress and heartache of shopping, holiday travel, etc., I do love the LOVE that this season is about. I love that we FINALLY have a group that feels like family. I love that I get to spend this time with all of you and that we take the time, each week, to catch up with each other.

WHAT a game on Tuesday!!! Well, at least for the first three quarters... but as I sat in the seats (Section 110 thanks to new marketing guy Brendan) in "regular" clothes, I got to really appreciate just how amazing everyone looks out there! Also, the promo pictures that they roll across the jumbo-tron are seriously, SERIOUSLY hot... For the Spirit, I haven't seen that much gravity defiance since they broadcast pictures from the international space station... I even heard that Jessie got that top from a girl that DIDN'T make the team... at least she can feel good knowing that it got put to very effective use. And for the FP, our photo roll-through looks like the credits for a Laguna Hills reality show... (which I think is called, "The Hills"???)... I laugh every time I see Nina's (Fan Patrol Nina) picture flash up there and I think of her at the photo shoot: "You guys, I don't really know how to pose..." right before she kicked through about eighteen different calendar-quality positions... CLASSIC. And, I FINALLY made it onto the jumbo-tron dancing in the seats! (not even wearing my uniform!)... of course, it was mid-way through the fourth quarter and I was the only person left in Section 110 that wasn't headed for the door.... but HEY, I still got on the jumbo (followed by a text from Coach: "Camera Hog"... nice)

Spirit, your routines look amazing from the seats, and I don't care what DeMarco Farr thinks... your dancing makes the Laker Girls look like an act from America's Got Talent that didn't get a chance to finish. Which reminds me, how about Kristin and Harmony on the Steve Mason show?! That guy really can't stop talking about Jessie... (he's probably seen some of the zesty game outfits)... just wait until he sees the new haircut... I think she might become an honorary co-host. Shout outs to follow...

And SUNDAY'S GAME? Well, at least they're getting CLOSE... although the heartbreak of getting that CLOSE to a win that we really needed is almost worse than getting beaten by 20. I have to say, for a game that coach said wouldn't really have much going on - I sure was tired afterwards!

Hey, how about that halftime show? Okay, I know these are Josh's friends... but seriously, watching about a hundred and twenty kids HOLD while the instructors perform for five minutes and then they let them do a one minute routine and get unceremoniously ushered off? Somehow that just doesn't seem like a great deal. And those two tumbler guys they have? Wow. Just when I thought there wasn't anything that could make the middle-aged baton twirling men from pre-game look masculine, these two guys come prancing out. And seriously, who does the baton guy think he's fooling by wearing a SLEEVELESS CAMOUFLAGE top? "Uh, well, he's twirling a baton (something I think my little sister used to do in grade school)... but CHECK OUT THE CAMO! What a bad ass! ... did you see that high toss and pirouette???" For the record, I don't believe that holding the world record for something makes it good halftime entertainment...


Do I need to go on?

Okay, okay... I'm tired of waiting for them... SUNDAY SHOUT OUTS (and a few BLASTS - David said I had to write that)

FAN PATROL - What a great holiday party! It was so good to spend that time with you all... Some pictures below.... but what's with all the liquor gifts? ... it looked like the gift table at Ted Kennedy's birthday party up there...

where to start...

JESSIE - first off, for picking up the MASSIVE dinner tab... for getting us an AWESOME table at the Liberty Grill for the party... for that FANTASTIC new haircut (which I spent almost the entire game thinking was just your old hairdo tucked into your sweater, lol). Okay, but with the "it makes me look five years younger" thing... cut it out already... if you looked five years younger, you'd look 24, and that would just be creepy - especially with your daughters running about. For a great speech at the party - we love you too! For THAT FACE while the halftime show was going... oh, what an honest look that was :)

JOSH - for, instead of Sunday practice, making us run through the hot song at least EIGHT times full out... like I don't sweat ENOUGH during warm ups (for the record, Joey was sweating, too!) But hey, that was an aggressive and fun routine - and you made damned sure we had it down! for (and this one was big) for showing up to the holiday party, even though you have a HUGE test tomorrow... it wouldn't have been the same without you. Also, although its long overdue, for taking the initiative to head back to school - we're all VERY proud of you. Hope the test (and speech) go well!

DAVE SANCHEZ - for your increasingly awesome stuntage at the games... you look great stepping up out there! You always remind me to get up into the stands at every opportunity... sorry the Santa hat didn't fit over the mop - but you managed to look festive nonetheless... for always leading the cheers... for the nearly empty bottle of ibuprofen in your truck that has clearly gotten you through some games you would have been better off not doing... that's dedication Holmes. Looking forward to that snowboarding trip... who knows... maybe we'll make it a team event.

JOEY - for that DOUBLE-CUPIE at Tuesday's game. For being ever at the ready with the homosexual double-entendre if I were ever to miss one... for being a crack shot with rubber bands AND rubber wristbands (how do you shoot those things so well?!) It truly never gets old to see you fire those at Katie... good times at hockey... but seriously, can ONE of our teams win a game soon? It's downright DEPRESSING... Awesome work on camera while holding up silent auction items, you look about as comfortable doing that as a UCLA fan in downtown LA... (sorry Coach)

CORTLIN - not only do I not have a single quote from you about awkwardly personal sweating habits this week, I hear that the most shocking thing that happened in the locker room when I wasn't there had NOTHING to do with you... Are you feeling ok? :) Was good to have you at the party, though - and you managed to sneak a quote in JUST under the wire.

LESLIE - for your awesome attitude... you're always down to head up into the stands, cheer, tumble, or whatever it takes. I don't think I've seen a thug give you that look for weeks... did you lose your touch? for your unnatural obsession with "Hello Kitty" ... I mean, you have to be farthest thing EVER from a Japanese schoolgirl - and yet, you still put Arturo's present in a HK gift bag... you have to love the irony of a RAIDERS shirt in that bag, though... and, in fairness, when you put it with that smile of yours, it totally works. Hope you don't mind if I use that picture of us from the holiday party to tell all my friends back home who I'm dating here in L.A. :) (I may also use the pictures of Nina, Summer and Kristen for the same thing, lol)

KRISTEN M. - for that laugh, every time someone mentions alcohol - like someone's mentioning an old, beloved friend of yours... for looking fantastic in the red uniform on Tuesday night, and for another "last straw"... seriously, you may have enough of those to fill a good sized barn by now. You have the best facials of anyone out there... and I love that you see the bright side in the Bruins loss (See Quotes)

DAVID W. - for putting together an AWESOME gift for Coach... for your continually bad-ass tumblage... for NOT being those halftime guys... for ALWAYS putting the time in to get things together. At least three of those halftime cheerleaders asked for you while we were up on the concourse before the game... apparently you're pretty well known with that crowd!

KATIE - for TOTALLY coming on the Sacramento Trip! For dancing in the corners (and on the court during warm-ups and pre-anthem)... for NOT warming up your basket... for that undeniable smile... for being referred to as that "six pack girl"... For, by far, the cutest cold-weather gear (something about you in a scarf, reminds me of Annapolis in the winter)... for sharing in my Navy Football joy (along with Taylor)... for just being, well, you.

NINA E. - for an AMAZING game today! Basket after basket after basket... you were just as much fun to work with in the corner as I expected, and actually a little bit more. For tolerating my behind the basket free throw silliness... for breaking hearts ALL OVER the arena... a really good way to get ONLY your wrists on camera is to stunt with Nina... Seriously, if that HD camera guy got any closer to you, he would have been wearing your shorts with you. For not being my Secret Sister, and saving me a ton of money on that Caribbean vacation, lol. For taking "one big step" into that tarzan-up-to-shoulders... just so you won't go up with the wrong foot!

NATE & NICOLE - totally missed you two at the party today! Come back soon! If your talent gets into any greater demand you may have to clone yourselves! Word on the street is, you have some pretty sweet gifts waiting for you... HURRY BACK!

TAMI - for ALWAYS showing up at Open Gym! Even when it's just you and me in there, I always get a tremendous amount of great work in... and you're a trooper! For always being ready with a high five after a successful stunt - and for always being ready with encouragement if things don't go perfectly. Sorry about the butt-catch while warming up walk-ups - at least we were back-stage! Wish we would have gotten some more time to work together at the game, but you and Dave looked great... Looking forward to Open Gym again soon - and SO excited that you're coming on the Sac Trip!

ARTURO - for being BY FAR the most excited to get your Secret Santa gift... I have never seen someone take so much joy in life's little pleasures. That's probably a lesson for all of us... no, that's definitely a lesson for all of us. For always showing up... for always stepping up. I remember thinking that when we met that it would be so great to someday have you as a teammate... and I was TOTALLY right. :)

SUMMER - for being an AMAZING game partner (I think that's the most we've ever stunted together - and you were great), for being my surrogate Secret Sister, and still looking surprised. For still being happy, even when you didn't get brownies from your secret sister... for not being from the Spearmint Rhino (okay, for those of you that don't know - when the FP girls first debuted the red unis, Summer got asked if she was from that joint ... which apparently is a strip club, but you'll have to ask Joey... I'll take that that means our girls look great ... and aren't wearing very much, lol). For your "little voice" in the corners... I'm sure I haven't said this enough - but it's good to have you back.


SPIRIT!!!! You ladies looked AMAZING with the Junior Jam... and seriously, after watching the baton-twirling pre-game and cheer-dance-thing halftime, you were a sight for sore eyes (no really, my eyes were really sore - and you should have seen Jessie's!) Don't think I forgot about y'all!

ASHLIE R. - for proving the Sunday Love Law of Tripping, which states: if you trip in uniform and you think no one saw you... rest assured, Sunday Love saw you! But seriously, with a smile and hair flip - you TOTALLY pulled it off.

KRISTIN E. - for, while the rest of the girls were dancing around and enjoying the Christmas music I put in your locker room, freaking out because someone had been in your locker room! I mean, I understand that people have been in there and stolen things in the past, so you should be concerned... but what sort of sick bastard would do that and then leave behind Christmas music?!?! For the record, I DID tell Whitney that I put it in there before she went in... so you can blame it on her... :)

... and speaking of...

WHITNEY - for not QUITE making the half-court shot over your back, but still making it look oh-so-easy and oh-so-good... for always stopping by the FP locker room just to say "hi" (which we LOVE by the way!), for always having a smile and kind word for us when we come off the court... You're so much more than the "cute, curly haired girl"... How many fans have asked me "Do you know Whitney?"... to which I always answer... "Um, of course, ... we're dating".

HARMONY - for being EXCEEDINGLY nice to Steve Mason on the radio (along with Kristin E)... I really NEVER get tired of this clip: - I really tried to e-mail a question in to the show for you to answer. But come on, couldn't you have blown up the Laker girls just a little bit?! And before I forget, for making Kristen M's hair look fantastic... which the ladies on FP now refer to as being "Harmonized"

TIFFANY and MELISSA - SO EXCITED that you're joining us for the Sac trip... and Tiffany rolling with her fam, and the rest of the posse... rollin' RV/road-trip style - I think you two are in for a real treat... and if you haven't spent time with a bunch of cheerleaders before - a little heads-up... we're NOT very quiet at these outings...

KELLEY - for rolling back from Santa Barbara on a Sunday morning to make a 10 o'clock call time... and still rolling out with the girls for noodles after the game... that's commitment y'all... and also, coincidentally, the only way to avoid traffic coming back from Santa B.

ALEX - so GOOD to see your smiling face back out there...

SHANNON - It's so weird that I shout "SMILE SHANNON!" while you're dancing - especially because you're always smiling... and I officially haven't seen your socks in, like, three weeks now... what's up with that?

Hey Spirit... seriously, can I get a little help here? This is the last week I'm going without - if I don't get some dirt from you all - I'm getting another locker room correspondent. Come on, now ... who's got some props to give out?!


OKAY, now I'd be remiss not to mention some BIG College Football stuff that happened over the weekend...

As many of you already know - USC defeated UCLA in L.A.'s biggest cross-town rivalry, 24-7. So Jessie's, Kristen's, and Tami's Bruins couldn't repeat last year's feat, and end up sending the Trojans off to the Rose Bowl to face Illinois from the Big 10... much trash was talked, and Joey, who put his money where his mouth was, came out ahead for the second week in a row - this time with a nice bottle of Ketel One for his trouble. But what's even more awesome about this bet, is that Jessie will get a chance for revenge as her beloved Bruins will face off against Joey's alma mater, BYU in the Pioneer Las Vegas Bowl on Dec. 22. What are you kids betting this time?

NAVY capped off one the most successful seasons ever, by dump-trucking Army 38-3. The win marks the sixth straight, and is the first time that EITHER team was won at least six straight in the 108 year history of the rivalry. It also finished up the highest scoring season in NAVY history - a mark previously held by the 1917 team... yes, 1917 (My senior year in HS, right, Joey?) And in another odd turn of events, NAVY will be facing off against Kelley's UTAH squad in the SDCCU Poinsettia Bowl on Dec. 20th... and I think we all know who's going to win that....

So, the college football regular season is done - and another week where #1 and #2 both lost ... it's finally set... Ohio State will play LSU on January 7th for all the marbles. NOTRE DAME, at a dismal 3-9 will not be playing in a bowl this year (their bowl losing streak will have to wait another year to be continued)... but I got a very interesting letter from a Notre Dame grad that I will forward on later this week.

So - pretty soon I'll have to find something else to put in this part of Sunday Love - that or start talking about Navy's season in 2008 :)

...and OF COURSE, last, but certainly not least - the NOW FAMOUS, SUNDAY LOVE QUOTES OF THE WEEK:

"F U", "F U", "F U" - the three consecutive text messages sent by Jessie to Joey, after he texted "How bout those Trojans?" at the close of the game. Simple, yet still eloquent, Coach. :)

"Yeah, but hers looks dirty" - Tami, after I remarked that she and Kristen both stick their tongues out when they're up in stunts. Ah, Bruin Love...

"Turn around and raise your hand" - Kelley to Laura, so she could point out "the girl that made that half court shot" to some friends in the stands. Ah, the high price of fame. At least she was waving to the right box this time.

"*CENSORED*", "*CENSORED*", "*CENSORED*", "*CENSORED*"... - Nate reading Kristen M.'s text messages aloud, which I completely missed by not being in the locker room... Censored due to explicit sexual content - some of it misspelled. There are two morals to this story: 1. If you're saying something to someone that you wouldn't ever want them to tell all of their teammates about, it's probably best to say it, instead of writing it down and 2. Kristen's boyfriend says some really, really funny stuff (ask to borrow her phone).

"No, I'm not going.... I mean, I COULD... but I'm not going" - Cortlin, when I looked surprised that she wasn't going to Lakers game after the holiday party. I guess it's better that way... I don't have to worry about her getting stuck in the upper concourse and freaking out. Besides, I'm sure even the Owner's Suite gets boring after a while. :)

"I got down on the appetizers!" - Nina E., trying to explain why after ordering a half chicken entre, she consumed about 3 bites of it (see photos).

"She looks like the morning after, the night before" - me, which David S. reminded me of... but we can't remember what the heck, or who the heck I was talking about...

"Well, at least I have a TON of liquor left over from the party" - Kristen M., finding the silver lining in the cloud that was the UCLA loss...


Okay, folks... I know this is now Monday Love instead of Sunday Love, but I wrote MOST of it last night, so I think I still get Sunday credit. Let me take a moment to thank Marianne for giving me the continuing opportunity to co-host ... it is an awesome opportunity, and I have a blast out there with Traci (who is amazing and who I'm learning a ton from).

Hope you all have a tremendous week... next Sunday I'll be writing about the big Sac trip... and hopefully Jessie wont be flying up to bail us out of jail...

In case you're interested (and I've already fielded one request), I'll burn you a copy of my holiday mix if you're so inclined ... buy a copy to play loud from a hidden location in Kristin's house, Holiday fun for everyone :)....

Happy December all!

Truitt... OUT.