First off - a little show and tell. For those of you who didn't read last week, or who haven't heard yet - I may have had a little to drink at the game on the Phoenix trip - and I may have become slightly agitated by a certain security employee who didn't allow to hoist one of our girls up on my shoulders... notwithstanding the fact that there were plenty of Suns fans doing the same, and that the only thing that old bastard could lift was one arthritic hand to scold me... okay, okay... I digress.... ANYHOO, Edamame was there with digital camera in hand to capture the aftermath of that moment, on full color video. Now as a disclaimer, this does contain foul language and less than considerate verbal treatment of a female Suns fan... so if that sort of thing disturbs you... DON'T WATCH.... you've been warned.
And from here on out, never let it be said that I don't take a beating in Sunday Love - because this is destined to become a classic.. like the other YouTube GHT moment... geez. Commence to laughing Joey. :)
So there are a few pictures... some donated by Joey and others by me... from Tuesday and Sunday's game:
Also, the footage or not one but two guest appearance half-court shots...
Tiffany's from Tuesday:
Sorry about the creepy long-haired old guy in front of me who apparently couldn't see the camera in my hand pointed at the basketball court... it's still not bad footage considering my drugged-up condition that night... NICE TRY TIFF!
Who got it a whole lot closer than she did during her pre-game warm-up tosses... and looked ever-so-good doing it... at least now you can show your friends ;)
Some bigger videos...
A Spirit performance (looking good as always):
and a FP hot song... that we didn't quite finish:
A big shout out to Whitney, who let the FP in on a Sunday early game tradition of having a meal together downtown after the game, so David S. and crew, Joey, Whitney's extended posse (including recent FP vet and little sis, Jacque), and yours truly all met up at the CPK on Fig & 7th for a little post-game chow down... and thanks to Whitney and Joey who joined me back at El Casa de Glenn for a screening of "Juno" and a completely sweet "Rock Band" jam session featuring Whitney on drums and lead guitar and Joey on bass... classic. Don't worry folks, you'll get your chance at rock fame - stay tuned for my long-awaited (and 6-month-overdue) housewarming hoo-hah... coming soon.
Also want to give a big shout out to the Spirit and Junior Jam, who always look so good together...
... and with that, bring on the Sunday PROPS:
Coach – for very nearly marching right over to Eva Longoria and putting her on blast for talking trash about the FP girls in their uni's... it's nice to know that you'd go to bat for us even with a celeb fan. It's a good thing the FP boys didn't hear about it until after the game or one very big flag might have found it's way to her heavily made-up face...
Shannon – for smiling, long before I have to say anything... and yes, I know... I need a new line.. :) for ramping up to be an on-court co-host soon... I know you're going to be great!!!
Whitney – where to start... for being the first person to give me a new nickname since college (yes, Joey, that was a LOOOOONG time ago), for rocking the guitar in Rock Band, for watching Juno with us, for midnight calls looking for someone else (three times!)... for having extraordinarily cool parents, and for being, mostly, generally and completely awesome.
Taylor – for being in the arena while they're playing your bio video on the jumbo-tron again and having that oh-is-that-me-up-there look on your face... and it is just me, or was a really low cut thing they interviewed you in? ps - THIS IS CREEPY:
Kristin E. – for your cheering section in the stands ("EGUSA!!!!!!!!!!"), and for a completely awesome job as the co-host! We really need to get both you and Whitney into the Rock Band... and then we'll see what's up!
Harmony – for always being first in line when taking the court before the game... I just noticed this, but I can't think of anyone better for the job!
Ashley R. – for being half of the best-looking promo team to ever head up into the stands... (don't I wish you were bringing me something), how come I haven't seen you at hockey again? for consistently awesome blondeness...
Tiffany C. – for that black dress during the Deal or No Deal promo... oh my, breaking hearts all over the arena...
Edamame – for filming one seriously funny video...
Kelley – for not reading Sunday Love (and at least telling me so), and for looking great at your first game of the new year.. it was good to see your parents (and their t-shirts) back in the arena (and G-pa looked fantastic)...
Alex – for being baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!! (I may have missed you... a little) - you looked amazing out there... what's better than one beautiful tall blonde girl on Spirit? TWO!
Laura – for still being the only person to sink a half-court shot this year... and for being, from what I'm told, the best New Year's date, ever.
Tiffany M. – for a respectable half-court shot attempt, for showing up at games even when you're not working to give out the love (and yes, I heard you shouting).
Ashley S. – in case you're wondering why Ashley wasn't hanging with you on New Years:
Summer – for trying ever so hard to get that uneven hip thing fixed.. including a trip to the chiropractor and endless tosses to hands with Dave Sanchez... for always seeming to be half-naked in the locker room (believe me no one is complaining) if we could just get Kristen to put her clothes on...
Nicole B. – for hopefully shredding up some mountain somewhere... and for leaving that intern alone (well, you weren't at the game, but hey..)
Nate – for doing me a HUGE favor, for excellent form, and for playing hurt... every time. Straight tough guy.
Leslie – for endless enthusiasm, and making me smile even when I feel like hell...
Kristen M. – for surviving your holidays... for understanding... for "taking what you get" in the baskets.. and for one seriously bad-ass bird front... textbook!
Katie - for being strong... far beyond what you do for Sonki... for showing up and showing out... for saying everything like you mean it...
Josh - for tumbling for the first time on those healing ankles, and for a sweet collection of old-school stunts/pyramids today... the chairs are timeless! For the endless and entertaining hell that you give D-Tumblz...
Joey - for being an awesome photographer at Sunday's game, for being there... and for asking. For always being the anchor, even when you're not on the floor...
D-Tumblz - For the endless and entertaining hell that you give Josh, for your endless plans for "Straight Febraury", and for awesome thorough game planning...
Dave Sanchez - for always finding a way to re-invent yourself on the court... old-school today... up in the stands... back tucks everywhere... you truly are Fan Patrol... it wouldn't be the same without you. If there is ever a Fan Patrol hall of fame, you are without a doubt the first inductee.
Arturo - for being so positive, that even always positive Katie was impressed... for talking the crazy Spanish with Sanchez during the Hispanic heritage game (shouldn't you guys have been co-hosting today?!), for being the only person to join me for behind-the-basket taunting of opposing free-throw shooters!
Cortlin - for being on a beach somewhere kind of thinking about FP... I swear, someone actually told me today that you were considering going "bigger"... please come back and tell us they're joking... please?
Rachel, Lynae, Nina E., Nicole C., Brittany, Nina R - I got nothin' this week for y'all... But don't worry, I'll make a point of getting something this week... hope you are all well... and Sunday Love still LOVES YOU!
Well... as of tomorrow night/tonight... college football is officially done... and so will end the college football wrap up section of Sunday Love. But best of luck to everyone's alma mater (or current school for some) in spring practice - as hope springs eternal for the 2008-2009 season... I will continue to pass along news on the schools that I know about... I may also briefly wax poetic on pro football... but that's coming to close soon, too. As always, I will be hosting a little feast at my place for the Super Bowl - so if you don't have any other plans - you'll be welcome in the 'Bank for that special Sunday.
And a very brief Sunday Love Quotes:
"Red" - Me to Katie just before the game, once again noting the low-cutness of her shorts by identifying her underwear color from five feet away (hey, this time she asked me)
I know, it's not very good this week... but I didn't write any down.. and can't think of any good ones... little help anyone?
So, the first week of the new year is in the books... and I hope that everyone is off to a great start on whatever resolutions you've made... I hope we'll be able to plan some more away game trips... right now we're looking at maybe Denver on Feb 29, Utah (Ski Trip) on Mar 28 or Golden State on April 10... stay tuned for more info. They're really far too much fun to not do another.
Feel free to share pictures, videos, resolutions or whatever you'd like... I do miss hearing from everyone... Sunday Love was never meant to be a one-man show... and the only measure of a writer is his/her ability to inspire others to action...
Here's to you all... picking up where I leave off...
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