Sunday, January 20, 2008


Well, all, it seems as though we've made it through the winter "blahs"… yes, and don't try to pretend you don't know what I'm talking about… and along with the Game Night Crew – the team seems to have turned the corner as well. Each passing game brings talk of "best game so far" as we continually raise the bar not only with our level of performance but also with our level of togetherness. What is certain, and what has been clear to me since we started this adventure so many months ago, is that however far we are able to go, it will be because we go together.

Despite conventional wisdom, it would appear that good things come in twos: the past week saw two amazing home wins, two great birthdays, two great away game road trips, two great Game Night teams, and two great games coming up this week.... so with that... bring on the DOUBLE SUNDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY LOVE!

A special birthday shout out to Spirit's WHITNEY and FP's LESLIE! Leslie got a year closer to legality, and is officially into her second decade at the big 2-0... word had it that she was ringin' it in at the all-ages club in Hollywood... but I haven't yet confirmed those reports. I was going to join her - but after a great quote from Kristen M., and Tom (Miller) refused to join me (so I wouldn't be the only guy there old enough to have a daughter in the club) I passed on the occasion. So, if anyone has reports or pictures, please don't be shy... I'm not going to say that I don't know what Leslie's like when she's had a few drinks... so, let's just hope there was a Sunday Love correspondent on the scene. Whitney rang hers in at the site of Kelley's big hoo-hah, the Elevate Lounge in downtown L.A. ... Much to Joey's delight, my camera ran out of batteries pretty early in the evening, so I only have a few pics... ( ) but I know that there were a few other folks there with cameras in hand, so hopefully they'll share, too... But S.L. shout outs to party attendees: Whitney, Kelley, Kristin E., Lynae, Joey, Laura, Ashley S., Taylor & a few assorted Clippers staffers, significant others and friends in tow. Good times were had by all!

Unfortunately, the boyfriend drama in th FP locker room has reached a fever pitch lately. You know things have gotten particularly bad when Nicole is celebrating (out loud) being the person with the least man-drama... I'm not sure how it is the Spirit locker room, but the amount of angry text-messaging is always a pretty good barometer of how the love lives are going - and let's just say, I hope all of our girls are on an unlimited texting plan or there's gonna be some serious January overage charges... Of course, there are small improvements - mostly involving Kristen finally self-censoring her cell phone video collection (ever just want to un-see something?). It's hard to understand why such a beautiful and talented group of ladies seems to have so much relationship trouble... of course, I'm certainly not one to throw stones (I'm sure Coach can attest to the glass-ness of my house)... but here's hoping that by season's end everyone will have found some (relative) peace in their love lives! :)

It certainly was awesomely unexpected to beat Phoenix in our own house on Tuesday... but even more exciting to beat the Nets in the first overtime game in as long as I can remember... You have to love the tired staggering onto the court for yet another overtime time out... But Saturday night's game in the FP Locker room was something special... complete with old-school tryouts, booty pop lessons (including demonstration, thanks Nina!), a lot of body powder being exchanged, and some serious roommate overshare... more details to follow...

Also, a special Sunday Love Pep Rally Shout Out to Alex, Rachel, Lynae and Brittany - who showed up at Cypress High School to rock their big rivalry pep rally! What is particularly funny about this is that rather than just being able to run on, do their thing and then roll back out... they had to sit in four chairs on the court ... in front of everyone, while they weren't performing, and then back in them when they were done. Of course, they completely rocked, and that gym hasn't seen shakin' like that since the last big earthquake hit town (as evidenced by the raucous screaming)... but in case you don't believe me, Coach has provided video evidence (just make sure that this doesn't fall into the hands of the any of the HS boys in attendance that day):

But, for those of you that don't normally read on... READ ON! This was an especially good week for props and quotes... so without further ado....


Coach - for making "under the weather" look oh-so-good... seriously, if I could look that good when I'm sick, I might get a cold on purpose. The only downside of spring time is not seeing you rock boots at the games. Also for a great video of the pep rally dancing!

Edamame - for officially taking the most-likely-to-give-up-a
-Sunday-Love-quote title away from Cortlin... seriously, who knew?! You kick
out more great lines than Seinfeld... and enough of this "shrinking violet" routine... you're a bad-ass... time to own up :)

Whitney - for an awesome birthday celebration, continuous use of my awesome new nickname, a spectacular "robot" dance that I really wish I would have gotten on camera last night, and always smiling when I shout your name in crowded hallways...

Taylor - for turning in an appearance at Whitney's shindig, even though exhausted... for looking just as sharp in your game coordinator clothes as you do in your Spirit digs, and for completely shutting me down when I asked you to dance... it's ok, I'm really not that good anyways...

Ashley R. - for indulging my continuing crush on you, and for suffering my inner monologue's untimely escapes into out-loudness...

Kristin E. - for exceptional smiley-ness (I don't care if it's not a word!), and a seemingly endless supply of fans who shout your name when you come off the court...

Harmony - for picking a fight with me before taking the court the players... and continuously good hair...

Rachel - for looking a lot more comfortable in a HS gym than I would have...

Shannon - for being very stingy with the smiles lately... and I haven't seen a cool pair of socks on you in months... what's up with that? I'm calling the USA people...

Tiffany C. -
for calling in sick... which completely sucks, and I hope you get better - but it is extraordinarily unselfish and thoughtful to not just come to the game anyways and get the team sick... yeah, it's not the same without you... but that's a classy move on your part. GET WELL SOON!

Kelley - for the fortitude to continuously refuse to read Sunday Love... that's committment!!!

Lynae - for making bar laps like an Olympic distance runner! Seriously, every time I saw you and your bf last night you were always just walking by... um, where were you going?!?! But in all honesty, you looked great and it was awesome to have you out!

Alex - for not showing up for Rock Band after the viewing party... awesome... :)

Laura - for whatever you wore the arena last night... because I heard about it from about six different people... last time I got that much input on Sunday Love, Edamame was farting after being spanked... for some seriously fun dancing at Whitney's party - we really ought to go show those folks at Montana's how it's done... for wandering off every 10 minutes for "SHOTS!" and for not getting mad when I spilled your drink while dancing (but like you said, you didn't pay for it anyways)... such a heartbreaker!

Tiffany M. - for being on the unfortunate receiving end of Edamame's latest blast... but for being cute and having a cute personality (I'm that's what she meant anyways)... believe me, they don't plaster you all up over the Jumbo-tron for your personality... okay?! Looks like all I had to do to get you to start reading was to leave you out for a week, lol.

Ashley S. - for finally getting to see you again someplace besides STAPLES Center (or MTV)... and you looked amazing on Saturday night.

Brittany - for always knowing when I'm lurking about trying to get some Sunday Love material from you and just giving me that smile, not saying a word, and leaving me with absolutely nothing.

Nicole C. - I'm really not quite sure how someone who is as cute as you are, as amazing on the floor as you are, and as fun as you staying completely under the S.L. radar... but you do... so here's to you... for having so tremendously little drama in your life as to never really make it into here...

and the FP Locker Room was particularly crazy this week...

Tami - for always taking time to hug everyone when you come in the locker room... for screaming loud enough to scare everyone when you got hit on the behind (I'm still really sorry about that), and for an awesome left cupie...

Summer -
for craft-services ingenuity (always making your "nachos" or softening up your cookies, etc), for the worst hip position in the history of tossing to hands, for being the first person besides Tami to kick me in the face and the greatest game celebration of all time - the elusive and rare, SUMMER'S BASKET!!!

Nina E. - for tolerating my broken-ness with a smile, for nailing your pre-law class (as if there was any doubt), for edible body powder, and for the world's cutest booty pop...

Nicole B. - for no drama... for now. For general basket awesomeness... and for completely kicking ass out there stunting with Nate...

Nate -
for making playing hurt look like playing healthy, and for tolerating the nail salon lady's played out hair jokes... "Let me guess, haircut?!? Ha ha ha!" Sheesh.

Leslie -
for your covert birthday party (1 year to go!!! - make sure you get some pointers from Kristen M. on how to ring in the big 2-1), for standing up for yourself, and for being the one thing on the court that Ja Rule spent the most time staring at...

Kristen M. -
for some seriously good quotes this week, for talking "the gay" so explicitly that even D-Tumblz got uncomfortable... you live a Penthouse Letters life... or at least live in a Penthouse Letters apartment... here's a riddle, what has 7 guys, 2 girls, 3 beds, 2 rooms and closes at 4 am??? That's right, Kristen's place... woo hoo!

Katie -
for making it seem somehow not like a real game at all when you're not there.... for continued strength, and the courage to still smile everyone else's pain away... you're my extremely well-tanned hero!

Josh -
for tumbling again, for your continuing banter with Dave White, and for your dedication to your academic ventures... it will most certainly pay huge dividends for you in the end... proud of you, yo.

Joey -
for not quite making it over after the viewing party, for stealing my last t-shirt, and for having Cuttino tell you about the glitter all over your back... classic.

D-Tumblz - for finally getting healthy, for tolerating your crazy schedule, for putting together a great hot song, and for not making us do much during the OT... we owe you one...

Dave Sanchez
- for holding old-school/rodeo stunt tryouts in the hallway, complete with judge's consultation and team de-brief. So did David and Tami make the cut or what? (I never heard) No one rocks the old school stunts like you do... and who doesn't love a good chair-sit?!?

Arturo -
for being the very last FP member to laugh at Kristen while she's talking about her bf and roommates... you held out as long as you could... but like a tidal wave of ridiculousness, it's destined to get you sooner or later, no matter how high the ground you're on...

Cortlin - for the quote of the week... I knew it wouldn't take too long after you got back! For being back and still being great out there... for a non-gainer basket toss (great snap!), and for not talking about how well the Lakers are doing...

* * *

ALRIGHTY THEN... so football is almost completely done... It's the NY Giants and the N.E. Patriots in the Super Bowl, Feb. 3!!! There will, as promised, be an event at La Casa de Truitt... so stay tuned for an Evite THIS WEEK!!! It will include a "Rock Band" halftime competition (complete with prizes) and some seriously good eatin', so plan on comin' out and celebrating the end of football talk in Sunday Love!

And that only leaves one thing... SUNDAY LOVE QUOTES:

"I can't do two things at once..." - Kristen M. in the FP Locker Room... I believe the two things were text messaging and chewing gum... and I know it's not that funny but the best part was watching Arturo laugh uncontrollably for a full two minutes after she said it...

"Check your cleavage" - Me, to Cortlin, while she was looking for something in the locker room... not that funny... until she actually checked it (for the record, it wasn't there)

"Don't worry Glenn, there's lots of creepy old men there..." Kristen M., trying to reassure me that it wouldn't be awkward for me to show up at Leslie's birthday party. Wanna know how to get blown up all over Sunday Love? One good way is to call the author a creepy old man.... J/K!!!

"No, she's really cute because of her personality" - Edamame, when asked by Tom (Tiffany's dad) if Tiffany is flirtatious at the games... Apparently Melissa doesn't have any male friends to tell her what it means when we say a girl has a "great personality"... even funnier that Tom is the one that gave me this quote... I'm sure there's some sort of moral here about "The family that laughs together... etc."... but I prefer to say the Millers are just one very funny family... if you can carpool with them to the game... I highly recommend it.

"Is American Idol on yet?" - Cortlin, with 8:57 left in the SECOND QUARTER of the HUGE game against the Suns... priorities, y'all... priorities. What's even worse? We actually watched it at halftime...

"Do I have to keep my legs together? That should be hard..." - Kristen M., right after being advised on how to diminish the appearance of the huge run she put in her panty hose just before taking the floor in the second half last night... If there was ever a quote that someone needed on their own t-shirt....

Okay folks... that's it for me... I'm sorry to say that I won't be joining the team for the mid-day tilt tomorrow - so I'll have to count on some external correspondents to get my game info... but I hope that those of you that have the day off get to enjoy a little more weekend and I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of you all on Wednesday.

ALSO - it's official... the next (and maybe last) Clippers Game Night Roadie of the year will be MARCH 28th to UTAH! We won't be driving this time.. .it's flights again (just like Sacramento)... I'll be working to get an Evite out very soon... so pencil that on your calendars... and Utah has a stunt team so they'll actually know who we are!

Please be safe and I LOVE YOU, ASHLEY RAMIREZ!!!! .. wait, I mean, be safe and take care!

TRUITT, out.

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