Friday, November 16, 2007

Preseason Sunday Love (Sunday Love 4)

Come one, come all - step right up and see....


Okay, okay... so I realize that this the SECOND time that Sunday Love has come on a Monday, but I have a VERY good excuse. You see, after practice yesterday, Joey told me that the Lakers and Clippers were playing at Staples (as a Lakers home game) - so (along with David) we decided to crash the party... and crash it we did!

Apparently, the way it works is - that Charlotte, Phoenix, the Lakers and the Clippers played a final-four type thing.. and, well, the Lakers beat Charlotte, and we (ahem) beat Phoenix, so that matched the two winners up last night. It was my first EVER visit to STAPLES for a Lakers home game - and all I can say is: TURN ON THE DAMNED LIGHTS! No, but seriously, Lakers games seem a lot like nightclubs in Hollywood, no one's really there for the music, they just want to make sure you see them and their $500 jeans there. The only exception being, every time Kobe Bryant touches the ball, they all cheer like they're winning the NBA Finals. It's really sort of sad, the "other" Lakers (everyone NOT wearing #24) make our starting five look like the 95-96 Bulls. They even trotted George Karl's son out there to play guard - and he looks like the last kid picked in a kickball game... (and plays like it, too)

NEEDLESS TO SAY, we won... that Al Thorton kid can REALLY play... and Josh Davis actually might be a serviceable guy to fill in for EB until February. I got into it with a few Lakers fans ("Showtime? Looks more like No Time" - they aren't too fond of that), but all in good fun - and I'm looking forward to seeing them again when we play with the lights on, so we can beat them again :)

WOW - what a week/weekend!

PROPS (I'll put these out EARLY, because, word on the street is, no one reads past the first page of SUNDAY LOVE - which is a shame, because I save all the good jokes for last)!

Where to start, here... WHAT an amazing start to the season! You all looked great out there, nailed the routines, took care of the costume changes, and gracefully weathered the (already) lecherous fans.

SHANNON - little sock issue on the way out the floor... no problem, do the routine without socks! That's adaptation HOLMES! And she tops of the sock debacle by showing up to practice with the grey and black stripey socks... PULLED UP no less! AWESOME!

KRISTIN E. - oh, the look on this girl's face when you hand her a bottle of Dom Perignon... She looked like she was about the cry... heck, I almost got a little weepy myself... word out of the Spirit locker room was that they actually took pictures with it instead of drinking it... gotta love a girl that loves her "bubbly"!

VS. LAKER GIRLS - ok, so now I can say authoritatively, that you all are truly better dancers. Seriously, they must only have one choreographer over there - because I'm almost positive they did the same routine about 5 times last night. What's more, they look about as approachable as a hungry wolverine backed into a corner, they've seriously mastered the "Rose Parade wave", and they've got more bottle-blondes than the Playboy mansion. You have to love the fact that their tallest girl fell on her face mid-routine... but just when I thought things couldn't possibly get any smarmier, once the Laker girls get done dancing, they show SLOW MOTION CLOSE UP INSTANT REPLAYS ON THE JUMBO-TRON! COME ON!

HELP WITH PROPS - and just so we're clear, I don't get to practice with y'all, or be in your locker room... so please feel free to 'Reply to All' and add some props for your teammates!


ROOKIES - Awesome first game! Got through a VERY aggressively-paced first routine, and everyone moved around the arena like they had been there for years. Now, GAME 2!

CAPTAINS - THANK YOU for the goodie bags!!! GREAT job getting the game choreography set ahead of time, and keeping us on pace!

KATIE - for showing up Game 1, even though you have to be at work at dark o'clock in the morning the next day... for stepping into a basket, even though you hate them... and making sure my adrenalin was pumping by launching your basket about 10 feet back from where it started :) (I really hope no one snapped a picture of the look on my face as that one went up... horror, anyone?)

D-TUMBLZ - Running show for Game 1, getting us out to the floor to practice ON TIME, and stepping up with me to double-base Leslie into a bird-front!

LESLIE - Tumbling, tumbling, tumbling! Getting over those Game 1 nerves, stepping into back-tuck baskets and stunting with 'Turo!

ARTURO - Who stopped giggling JUST long enough to kick ass all over his first time EVER in STAPLES Center for a basketball game!

JOEY - Stoic. As always. Yelling at me just loud enough so I could hear over my cupie, and get back for the basket toss. "GO CLIPPERS! GLENN, BASKET!!" (Repeat 3 times)

KRISTEN - Great baskets! great stunts! Great facials with the crowd (please put your tongue back in your mouth)... great to see Joey Vegas in person... always prefacing your tosses with "wow, this basket [load] is really high"... no, sweetheart, you're just short :)

CORTLIN - Toe touch basket anyone!? That thing is textbook, and you snap it like you're mad at someone... I am considering making your register your butt as a dangerous weapon... at least when I'm catching it from basket toss! ... hey, which team were you cheering for last night?

NICOLE - Et tu Nicole? picture perfect form in all that you do - and wearing sweats for an entire sweaty Sunday practice... best quote from practice "Does this make me look all sweet and innocent?" (my response) "well, let's not get crazy" - seriously though, awesome attitude at practice!

NINA & NATE - Hopefully y'all are somewhere HEALING quickly! Miss you both! (My initial guess was that Nina was swept up in one of those Santa Ana winds - and is now in Oz... turns out she was maybe just busy)

JOSH - still coming out for practice, and getting better every week... hopefully we can keep you from re-injuring yourself on your first day back.

DAVE SANCHEZ - Wow, flew to Mexico and back to judge a competition (Dave Sanchez WORLD-WIDE yo!), aaaaaand drove a friend home from the airport, and STILL made it to practice... TROOPER! (also mustered the energy, albeit just barely, to roll to the game last night)

TAMI - For your basket going STRAIGHT up! ...and thank you for letting me show off a few stunts in front of the Spirit after practice :)

SUMMER - Brownies.... er... Cookies! You've been holding out on us all these years with your secret basket toss skills! Thanks for putting up with my marginal stunt grips :) Thank you for being such an AWESOME partner at the game! You're the B-E-S-T, BEST!

* * *

Okay... props ran long, so I'll keep in short with the college football...

BYU - Dump-trucked E Washington (as well they should) and there was a FLASH BLIZZARD in Provo during the game... As if you needed ANOTHER reason NOT to live in Utah.

NAVY got war-crimed by Wake Forest (44-24)... it's ok... the only game I REALLY care about is in two weeks... which brings me to...

THE FIGHTING IRISH OF NOTRE DAME - who fell to 1-7 after getting bitch-slapped by USC 38-0. This is a rivalry like a cat vs. a mouse. Not ever close. Seriously, though... this should have been more like 100-0. I'm actually disappointed that they didn't run up the score...

..and if you missed it on Thursday, UTAH took out preseason Cinderella TCU 27-20.... looks like there will be no glass slipper for the Horned Frogs this year... lame mascot anyone?

... did I leave anyone out...

OH THAT'S RIGHT, THE BRUINS OF UCLA dashed the BCS hopes of the University of California! I'm really not quite sure how you give Notre Dame their only win and then beat one of the best teams in the conference, but hey - GO BRUINS!

* * *


SHOUT OUT TO KELLEY F, for putting together this most excellent video starring me, David, Jessie, Kelley, Laura and Whitney...

SHOUT OUT TO MARIANNE, for the oh-so-cool new wristbands to be handed out this year!



.... and that's Sunday love...


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