Friday, November 16, 2007

Regular Season Sunday Love (Sunday Love 6)

WELL folks... we're two games into the REGULAR SEASON ... and not only are we undefeated but we're also alone atop our division.. and on pace to win 82 games!!! Okay, okay - so maybe I'm exaggerating a bit... but I do recall the start of the 2005-2006 season - when a fast start turned into the deepest playoff run in franchise history - we may be on our way once again!! One thing is for sure though - however far we go, we take one hell of a game night entertainment squad with us.

And with that - let the SUNDAY LOVE COMMENCE!

First off, let me just say - I had no idea that Sunday Love would take on a life of its own - and I'm certain that this being "Monday Love", I'm going to get a few "Where is my Sunday Love?" text messages... but hey, Rome wasn't built in a day, and it wasn't built by someone who just had three games in three days... well, I don't know that for sure, and my extended metaphor is falling apart... BUT it suffices to say that I truly enjoy hearing from folks about what's going to make it to Sunday Love, and I couldn't be happier about the amazing rapport that we have all generated ... aaaaaand, I'm writing it already, so back up!

What a weekend!!! The start of the regular season, the greatest college football day of my life, and a 2-0 start... it's bliss - sheer bliss I tell you!


A night to remember, to be certain... we started a season with one less superstar player, and twenty one more superstar performers. Although it was not my first opening night, I still felt that swell of energy when the lights went down to introduce our team, and I enjoyed seeing the rookie smiles -- so many new things to show off... so many great new people... so little material on the Fan Patrol girls' bottoms :)

...and lest I forget, a HUGE thank you to the Spirit for your thoughtful pre-game gift - working with you ladies has made this season ALREADY a special one for us... and I hope that you know how much we respect and appreciate what you all do out there. It is amazing to think about how good you all are already, and how approachable and generous your team is. What's more, we have an entire season during which we will have front row seats to watch you all get even stronger both as a performance team and as a group of friends... we have yet another reason to count ourselves amongst the most fortunate folks around...

Okay, I really don't have any idea how I'm supposed to organize these things... and soooooo, I'm going to go right into PROPS - mostly because I'm feeling like it :)


Coach & Marianne - for all the great new things for 2007!

2 awesome flags! Which makes me feel like I'm back on the field at Annapolis! And I will REALLY try hard not to hit anyone with them, lol (I will also try hard not to hit the rim when running by the basket)...

Spirit's new "buckle" uniform! If there's a fifth Austin Powers movie, and they need a dance team, I'm pretty sure the Spirit are a shoe-in with this outfit!

Wristbands! So great to have something more personal to hand out than just t-shirts...

FP Uniforms! the FP Guys finally have something to change into during a game... the Josh-inspired polo look, the awesome new "shooters"... it looks good... and the FP Ladies uni's? Well, let's just say, we are a lot more popular now as a result... and that's before we even throw anything....

Joey - for joining me on the Kings Crew... and busting my nuts each and every time you get a chance, lol. In case anyone is worried that because I'm writing Sunday Love, no one's looking out for when I do something silly... that Joey has you covered. Also, you may want to make sure that Joey never knows anything embarrassing about you... ever. But also props for the Jo-Yo pyramid... and for always stepping up big. And, for making uniform coverage checks before setting girls out of basket tosses...

Cortlin - for great baskets... and for being the greatest beneficiary of Joey's uniform checks... for continuous over-share (despite my pleas to the contrary)... and for being the best behind-the-basket opposing free throw shooter distraction partner EVER! "What should I do back there?" "Just jump up and down... that oughta work"

Josh - for still showing up on opening night, even though hurting! We miss you, man - but please, please get better... as you know, a game on the FP is not for the faint of heart...

Summer - who will certainly not be reading this far, if at all, for being a great partner for opening night.... for standing up on my shoulders for a LONG time... for "brownies" and still being a lock to be the FP "Spotlight" girl... for apparently marrying Joey and cheating on him with me (or at least in Joey's subconscious)

Nicole - for toughing out an opening night basket drop... I think we all learned an important lesson about stunting anyplace NEAR where pyros have gone off... and you were the consummate professional after a freak accident... it is a testament to your training and skill to not have been more badly injured... your baskets remain the baddest thing we've got on the court, and you look great doing it... STILL would have been nice to have you out there at the afterparty... but one thing at a time :)

Nate - for toughing through a less-than-full-strength shoulder... and for being held together, in large part, and much like me, by a substantial amount of athletic tape... Was good to have you out there..

Arturo - for taking a basket toss to the face (yes, to the face) during warmups and still coming back strong for the game... I know it sucks to wait to be checked out by the medics when you know you're ok... but you hung tough and had a GREAT first night... also, if you ever get hit in the face hard enough loosen a tooth - for God's sake, don't try to pull it out!

D-Tumblz - Back to your old self... tumbling back and forth across the court... back tucks at EVERY opportunity... and seriously, where did all your dating drama go???

Sancheezmo - for coming out to hockey for Halloween, and having my back! for FOUR back tucks during FP intros! for still bringing the energy, 6 YEARS into your FP stint... for a mad sick toss cupie with Tami... for getting your "game" back (I know, I know... you never lost it, lol)... for advising me against shouting "Puta Leva" in the wrong downtown neighborhoods...

Katie - for the flying back tuck basket... which doesn't move quite as far as it used to... but still being the only basket toss flier who we check our shoelaces for (lol)... for looking just hot-out-your-mind in the new uni's. For leading.

Nina - seriously, what's a guy got to do to work with you?!? geez! but, you were looking tremendous in the new uni... inspiring one of the quotes of the week (coming later) from the Spirit...

Tami - for SUCH a great attitude, always down for whatever you're asked to do... for flying pyramids... for walk-up libs, toss cupies and one seriously bad day of toss toe-touches! You're a joy to work with in the corners!

Leslie - for breaking hearts ALL OVER Staples Center... and not just the thugs this time... EVERY body! for great tumbling, that undeniable smile... and being the best up-in-the-stands partner EVER! It's just too much to work with you!

AS AN ASIDE... let me just say THANK YOU to all who showed up to our afterparty at the Broadway Bar! We definitely exceeded the 20 people that I told them were coming, and we completely took over our VIP seating area . A surprise visit from the staff after we got started was proof positive that we've got a good thing going... and no one ever misses a chance to hang out with the SPIRIT! Even in the candids... everyone looked great!

..... and SPIRIT... don't think I forgot about you...

Ashely S. - wow weren't you ever popular at the Broadway Bar?!?! from the bouncer pulling me aside to ask your name, to that same bouncer ordering you in some Thai food because you told him you were hungry, to the OWNER of the bar inviting you to the Jay-Z concert... and the constant cloud of boys (no less than 3 at any time) crowded around you for the evening... two words: HEART BREAKER... oh and LOVE the long black socks pulled up OVER the white boots... if it wasn't for Whitney - your socks would have gotten you into S.L. on their own!

...aaaand (Ashley really wanted to get into Sunday Love this week apparently) for poppin' it SO hard during your routine that you popped it RIGHT OUT OF YOUR TOP... and... I swear I'm not making this us... FINISHED THE ROUTINE WITH ONE HAND HOLDING HER TOP ON... that's the real thing, y'all... seriously. Maybe you can get a gig dancing at the Super Bowl... :)

Ashely R., Kelley, Tiffany C, Shannon & Lynae... for not only rocking OPENING NIGHT... but then getting up at dark o'clock on Saturday morning... to drive to Santa Maria to put on an all-day dance clinic! And trust me, Santa Maria is ever farther away than it sounds... don't believe me? Check this out!,+&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=29.163842,59.765625&ie=UTF8&ll=34.497503,-119.053345&spn=1.892323,3.735352&z=8&iwloc=addr&om=1

Apparently, this was quite a road-trip, too... with a good bit of singing, and car games... including, the ever-popular try to identify the driver from the car... which apparently ASHLEY is really bad at, lol. And then most of these girls ALSO showed up for the SUNDAY game! And looked fantastic doing it... Troopers!

Whitney - for taking the "my socks are getting me into Sunday Love" title away from Shannon with AUTHORITY! Not only did you have non-matching crazy socks on during Friday warmups - you had them ALL PULLED UP! Oh, and I totally caught you droppin-it-like-it-was-hot during those same warmups... just remember (and you can check with Kristin E. on this) when you think no one's looking... SUNDAY LOVE is watching you!

Tiffany C. - for the brief cameo at the after party... seriously, I've seen longer on-court time outs... you rolled out of there like you stole something! Come to think of it, the bar manager did mention something about some drinking glasses missing.... Love your BF dodging out of the picture!

Taylor - for giving me the NAVY love on Sunday, and for rooting my boys on on Saturday! You're still a shoe-in for FP Favorite again this year!

Ashley R - for coming out for her VERY FIRST hockey game on Halloween! She's an even better hockey fan than I would have imagined (and aside from her mom, the best looking girl in her section!)... you rock!

Kelley - for always looking fantastic in the candids... and I know how much you love them. Your question: "How come I get to take out all the bad pictures of me, but no one else gets to?" Because I write the Love... love ;)

Harmony and Taylor - for AWESOME interviews/bios on the pre-game jumbo! You girls looked GREAT! if you don't have ENOUGH fans, lol

Laura - for awesome photo-shoot photos!


Tiffany - for getting at least one shot of me in my now 12-YEAR-OLD Navy cheer jacket (worn in honor of the greatest Navy football victory EVER)... with your pink camera... and really, could it be any other color? THANK YOU!

Brittany, Rachel, Melissa, Alex & Nina... I WILL find you! and I will get you into Sunday Love sooner or later!!! You all look great out there dancing... and I'm sure there's some silliness going on with y'all... it's only a matter of time... :)

OKAY... so here we go... since I KNOW you're waiting for them... PHOTOS FROM FRIDAY!

... oh and one shot from Joey's first hockey game... gotta love the new pants... Joey is the Kings Crew's "Leslie" FYI:

...and lest I forget about the greatest college football weekend of my life...

UCLA continues to disappoint... but please keep Pat Cowan in your prayers... no one wants to see anyone get hurt out there... hopefully they can regroup and put an extra hurt into USC's season...

BYU completely destroyed the Colorado State Rams 35-16... looks like they're rounding into form for the Civil War...

USC dump-trucked Oregon State 24-3... I can't help but think they should have won this game by more... but it's good to see the Trojans back on track...

UTAH... had the week off... which they hardly need.. I mean, seriously, it's Wyoming next... which hasn't been a good team since.. no, wait, they've never been a good team...

and in case you were in a cave this weekend and MISSED IT... the RECKONING has occurred! NAVY HAS DEFEATED THE FIGHTING IRISH ON NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY! An instant CLASSIC! Triple overtime! ... and in SOUTH BEND no less... the 43 year losing streak is over!!! (No Joey, I was NOT in high school last time they won)... It was so amazing to see the boys celebrate on that hallowed ground, and see the tears fall like rain from the brazen and stupefied Irish fans... I say, let them cry, they've been laughing for 43 years... I am working on a more eloquent celebration of my joy... which I will forward later on this week... but for all who shared my joy... THANK YOU!!!

I made a bet with one of the on-air anchors at Fox Sports Radio (Karen Kay) who is a die-hard Lakers fan... that if NAVY won, she had to come to a Clippers game in Clippers gear and post her picture therein on their site! She's coming on the 17th!

LAST BUT NOT LEAST... SUNDAY LOVE quotes of the week:

"Those butts are not real..." - the Spirit after seeing the FP girls running by in the new red shorts

"No" - Katie when I asked her if she'd do a heel-stretch in the new red shorts

"'s like riding a bike..." - Joey, just before Kristen M's basket toss... see him for the funny part of this quote :)

"I'm glad I shaved for this!!!" - Nicole... yeah, I know...

"Aw... the boy cooked for me!! Maybe I should keep this one!" - Nicole (to which the rest of the FP replied: "Let's not go crazy now"

Okay folks... that's going to do it for me for this edition of Sunday Love...

PLEASE, PLEASE, if you saw or heard something SUNDAY LOVE worthy, please "Reply to All" and share... I can't be everywhere and see everything... and I'm always looking for new S.L. Correspondents :) ALSO - Please share your photos if you've got them!

As you all know, it's a group effort, and we can't get there alone... not with practice, not with performance and not with Sunday Love...

But... as always, I'm blessed to be surrounded by such talented and amazing people!

Please be safe, get some rest and see you all soon!


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