So before I get on with it, let me just be the first to wish you all the happiest of turkey days. It is very easy for me to identify the thing I am most grateful for this year - and that is, quite simply - all of you. It has been, and continues to be, a humbling honor to work and be friends with such amazing people. I am thankful for the times we have already had, the many amazing times to come. I am thankful that I am able to share these times in my life with you, and that I am able to share in all of your amazing lives. I am thankful to have this simple forum, to bring us all together, if only for a few moments each to week - to remind myself and remind all of you, that although we each have our personal struggles in practice, in training, and on the court, we are all still in this together. And together is a good place to be.
Now dry those eyes, fire up the oven and get that turkey cookin', turn on some football, and set the pillows out on the couch for food comas... because it's time for SUNDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY LOVE!
A few people asked me this week if I take notes throughout the week for Sunday Love, and as I told them, I'll tell you. No, I don't. I find it very cathartic to sit down on Sunday night and remember about the week I just spent with y'all, so that's how I do it. So I may miss a few things from time to time, but it has always been my hope that this simple message will inspire each of you to write back to all of us with some "Sunday Love" of your own - to help me catch the things I've missed... or (in the case of the Spirit locker room) things I never see. I suppose I'm just glad that Sunday Love has allowed us not to take ourselves too damned seriously when we make mistakes - because laughing together is always better than laughing alone... except when Joey laughs at me - then I'm pretty okay with it just being Joey.
I have to apologize for not having photos again for the SECOND consecutive week... I intended to have my camera for Saturday, but the battery was dead when I pulled it out of my bag... so - no paparazzi pics from the big day... but it was fun to share the "transition" with Joey, Kelley and Leslie (the girls who showed up gratuitously early for the game)... we had a nice little sit down, eat and chat in the Fox Sports Grill - enjoying a little anonymity amongst the post-game hockey crowd. You have to admire Leslie's dedication - when I asked her if she'd like to get something to eat, she scolded me and told "No! I ate before I came!" and then, after she didn't order a drink, when I suggested she just get a water, she scolded me again, "What? Do you want me to have to pee every thirty minutes during the game?!?"... Note to self: when out with Leslie, just let her call the shots on ordering... hey, but as a word of advice, as long as it's pre-game, she's charming company at a very reasonable meal cost. :)
As a note to anyone who can influence the locker room hallway set-up (Coach this may be you)... It is SERIOUSLY not nice to set up the FP locker room door curtain JUST TO THE RIGHT of the FP locker room door! I mean, I think all of us walked right by our own locker room door and pushed through the curtain to the cement wall before realizing what had happened, and the coup de grĂ¢ce was when intern Ross (aka Big Ross, aka Ross Boss) tried to go into the wall behind the curtain and ended knocking over both flags which were propped up against it, one of which landed on his head... after than we decided that we were creatures of habit to which this change posed too great a safety threat and moved it back in front of the door...
It was also great to see YOKO from two years ago, with her Japanese cheer team in tow... she was gracious as always and asked me to marry her so she can get a green card (I declined) ;) Thanks to Kristin E, Whitney and Taylor for joining me with Yoko's crew after Wednesday's game - when we stayed downtown at a authentic Japanese restaurant (and by "authentic" I mean I didn't have any idea what we were eating and everyone laughed at my chopsticks skill). There was a great deal of laughing at my "very fast talking" and just being a male cheerleader - but it was still great to spend some time with Yoko and her friends!
And since I know that you won't wait long (meaning Summer won't read past the first two pages of this thing), here are the SUNDAY PROPS:
Shannon - for finally noticing the rest of us, EVEN with your new bf in the stands :) I'm glad we finally got to meet this distracting chap - and I haven't seen you smile that much since - well, since you were last performing... and for always flashing that million-dollar grill every time I shout during pre-game rehearsals "SMILE, SHANNON!" ... and hey, why haven't I seen your socks in two weeks?!
(speaking of smiling)
Kristin E - for smiling. I was watching pre-game warm ups for the Spirit, and I love how intense you girls are as you get your moves down perfectly, but I noticed, amidst all of that concentration, there is one girl who ALREADY has her game-smile on.... and it's the kind of thing that just makes you feel warm all over. Kristin, you are the consummate performer and professional - and what makes it even better is how genuine it is... You couldn't combine the Laker girls and get a smile like that... that's why you girls rock - you're REAL. and you're awesome! (Also loving that new golden brown-ness - go MATRIX!)
Whitney - for your insane humility... and for being SO MUCH MORE than just the "cute, curly haired girl"... your inexhaustible optimism and personal style are a model for each of us as we develop our on-court personalities as extensions of ourselves and not "separate characters"... and also for your tolerance at me shouting your name in public places.... which sounds too good for me to stop ... "WHITNEY!"... and now my neighbors have another reason to hate me...
Taylor - for being on camera immediately following your on-screen bio, and COMPLETELY PULLING IT OFF!! I would have been embarrassed out of my mind... but you smiled that smile, and waved and let everyone cheer... so classy. And seriously, you with the business attire and the headset?? Wow. Like you were born for that job. Also for tolerating my sweatiness and overly-exuberant leg throwing during today's in-studio workout.
Harmony - for being a SERIOUS bad ass during Katie's little smash session... aside from being the sit-up exemplar, I don't think you even broke a sweat (while I was sweating like I was three days into the apocalypse)... so you do hair and you're a fitness stud?? Can you fly, too? Can I just say, I've seen your picture come up on the jumbo-tron while you're dancing and I'm just SO happy they didn't put those creepy sparkles back in your eyes...:)
Kelley - for mistaking which luxury suite the people from your dad's company were in, and making a whole suite full of new and very aggressive fans. Seriously, if you didn't see this, folks, you missed out. If Kelley even so much as looked up there, they would go completely insane - I'm pretty sure (if I can read lips correctly) that one guy proposed to her - like four times. As a cautionary tale, ladies, if you're going to make eye contact with a big group of drunk guys, make sure you already know them - or you may get to know them anyways...
Lynae - for being talkative only in the locker room. So after I wrote about you last week being so quiet... I heard from more than a few of your teammates, that you're plenty chatty in the confines of the Spirit locker room... so, I was wrong... I admit it... it's just that you haven't spoken to ANY OF US since the preseason :) But, hey, that mime bit was pretty good...
Tiffany C. - for being QUITE the runner... wow! I'm glad it's Katie pacing us and not you... geez, I think I'd STILL be sweating... You're definitely disarming with that smile and it's always a pleasure to watch you out there... sorry for being behind on the news, but hope you see you out with us again soon!
Ashley R & Alex - for being BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! Was so good to see you two at today's practice! You both look amazing as always, and thanks to Alex for out-sprinting me on the indian-run (like I needed another reason to feel old)... It was refreshing to hear a five-minute discussion on Ashley's blonde-ness conducted just behind me (apparently after a five-day process it's slightly darker) .... but, it's still very much you. Can't wait to see you both on Wednesday!
Laura - for your continuous celebrity - at least three different FP girls had to fend off the following question: "Hey are you the girl that made the half-court shot?"... so I guess the good news is, you look A LOT shorter on TV... :) Hey, come on! Have you seen our girls!? Seriously, though... you wear it well...
Ashley S. - two weeks... and NOTHING?!? Come on, now... Don't make me go looking... ;)
Nina R. - I think I was glad I came to Katie's ab-destruction festival right after I saw that workout jacket you had on... I mean, I don't care which kid you stole it from - if I had abs like that I wouldn't cover them either :) When are you going to do a follow up appearance on "Cribs"?!
Nicole - for being fantastic company during greeting at the doors, and still smiling while creepy guys get their picture taken with you. I mean, I've been watching it for three years now, and I'm fairly certain there's no way to get your picture taken with the Spirit or FP girls and not look smarmy (unless you're under the age of 12)... but there certainly is more creepy and less creepy... you're a model of how-to-smile despite this rampant creepiness...
Rachel and Melissa - I think I'd you two confused A LOT LESS... if you actually did something to get into Sunday Love!
Brittany - for always laughing at my jokes and doing such a flawless job that I have absolutely nothing to rag you about... NOTHING! Geez.... can someone help me out here?!?
Tiffany M. - I REALLY can't believe I've got nothing for you... really... at least your camera is still pink.
Laura and Kelley - for identifying the drunkest fan I've ever seen and getting an usher to her just in time for the usher to get puked on... just in case you're wondering how to get kicked out of STAPLES without starting a fight or groping a cheerleader, that'll do it. Seriously, who gets that drunk on a WEDNESDAY night at a Clippers game?! On the other hand, it was fun to watch her only-slightly-more-sober friend try to help her up.. and the guy sitting next to her as she fell, and the don't-you-even-think-about
Okay FAN PATROL - don't think I forgot about you:
Josh - for having been out for so long that you didn't know that we changed uniforms at half-time and rolling out for "Make Some Noise" in the first half uni. Luckily for you, your amazing on-court presence (and some seriously bitchin' arm ink) made it almost unnoticeable. Almost. :) But it was SERIOUSLY good to have you back - even with your ankles wrapped up like little black neoprene mummies. It's just so much more fun behind the opposing free-throw shooter's basket with you there.
Nicole B - for learning that "discretion is the better part of valor" and although it puts a most uncomfortable look on your face when you do it, swallowing comments for the good of the squad... also, as will be revisited later in quotes, it's not that people keep shoving their crotches in your face, it's that you''re sitting in the middle of the locker room floor doing your straddle stretches... for continuous bad-ass baskets - and the world's lowest and still pretty x-out... great catches as a mid-base, there's no one I'd rather have up on my shoulders during a pyramid (although you're right, it does seem like we end up there a lot)...
Dave S - for keeping it real, for always reminding me and the rest of the team what it's all about out there. After six years, there's not a lot that you haven't seen, and we all benefit from you experience, and how about toss lib and toss cupie today?!? Dang, man, you have been working out! for taking a kick to the face, and still finishing the stunt... now THAT'S determination y'all.
speaking of toss stunts...
Dave Tumblz - for toss lib today!!! and for taking to the time to give us the real feedback on what we're doing. For setting up timeouts so we look our very best out there... for rockin' the headset on Saturday.... although we really missed your D-Tumbling up and down the court...
Cortlin - for more and more over-share. It's funny, because each time I think to myself, well, she can't possibly share more personal information than that... and then you bust out with a gem about the wetness of your butt... wow. You really need a reality show, although I think you may blow the entire production budget on censors. Was good to see you out at the game, new boy in tow... gotta love you pulling down the entire door curtain as you left Wednesday's game... even though I just stood there and didn't help... the things you'll do to get into Sunday Love...
Katie - for whupping my ass this afternoon after practice... for being a great leader out there.. for that dance and YOU KNOW the one I'm talking about... for being the highest jumping flier EVER... for great and stationary basket tosses today... despite what you may think, we really do love when you set in there... for never EVER chewing gum on the court :)
Tami and Kristen - for finally coming back! Wow, did we ever miss you girls! Tami, who got a taste of the big leagues after a couple of weeks in Louisville - is back and ready to stunt... and Kristen, who will hopefully be hearing good news about med school soon, who came to practice today with a hunger. Kris, the tarzan-up three times in a row! ... not to mention your bad-ass basket-ness. Hope you missed us too! :)
Summer - for "brownies".. and that look on your face when you didn't like the cookie selection in the locker room... for your out-of-the-blue basket toss greatness today, and that look on your face when you came down from a 18 foot toss like you were going to puke... looks like you've got the skill down, now if we can just get you not to hate it ;)
Nina - for tolerating my slow stunting learning curve! We're getting much better, and I'm really sorry about my stunt-grunting... You're a ton of fun to work with. Also, for the second time this season, someone has come around looking for you that has no idea what you look like... what's up with that? It's like just your name alone is famous... doesn't anyone you know have a picture of you??? or know that we have a WEBSITE?! I can't blame them though... you do look amazing out there...
Leslie - for being SUCH a heart-breaker... my goodness... I've seen less staring when the Pope drives through Rome... The funny part is, these guys aren't even trying to hide it! I've seen more than one fan get punched in the shoulder by his date for looking a little too long. It's always great to go up in the stands, watch you block someone's view of the court while you're crowd leading - and watch them NOT CARE ONE BIT :)
Arturo - for the all the games you come to even when you're not working. For your awesome attitude... for the lean-back toss stunts (I think your spine is made of steel, bro)... and for one seriously money tick-tock lib with Kristen - who stands on her left leg like a drunken flamingo... that's a solid grip, yo...
Joey - for your ever-present mockery... for those of you that worry that I'm not getting called out enough... rest assured, Joey's got your back. For your dead-eye rubber band aim in the locker room (much to Katie's chagrin)... for one-arm stunts with Katie, with or without her permission... and one very bad-ass reload cupie today... also for coaxing David and I into sticking around for Katie's beat down...
Nate - for playing hurt - stop frontin' man! Seriously though - way to step up... it's nice to see at least one other guy being held together mostly by a thick skull and a lot of athletic tape. Hope you can get some rest in the coming week...
and because I promised him I would, here's Josh's props for me: (when I asked him, he told me I couldn't make any "grammatical changes" but I was allowed to "make it sound all smart"):
Sunday love to the one and only Glenn. Without you what would are
Monday be like? With all your lawyer talk and watching you put David
into some weird position not knowing what your doing to him, but then
later to discover that's what you call "stretching". We all know that's
who your secret crush is. Since you're a lawyer why do you cut Jessie
off and say "Go Clippers" at the end of the game? When will a dancer say
it?! For real though, always love your great attitude from beginning to end.
Monday be like? With all your lawyer talk and watching you put David
into some weird position not knowing what your doing to him, but then
later to discover that's what you call "stretching". We all know that's
who your secret crush is. Since you're a lawyer why do you cut Jessie
off and say "Go Clippers" at the end of the game? When will a dancer say
it?! For real though, always love your great attitude from beginning to end.
Okay - for a little college football love...
USC - had a week off... and it looks like they're gonna need it... with one VERY good ASU team waiting for them in the desert on Thursday night (something good to watch after turkey, y'all)... Three losses for the Trojans is unthinkable, isn't it?
UCLA - also had a week off, and they've got an even taller order on their holiday schedule - some wounded Ducks (get it?!) Oregon will roll into town after being knocked from their number 2 perch by an unranked Arizona team... and no doubt looking for some retribution... hopefully it will be one of those "playing good" weekends for the Bruins... otherwise it could be a long day. On the bright-side, they ALSO might be without their star QB...
UTAH beat New Mexico and BYU beat Wyoming which is just slightly less surprising than the sun rising each day... seriously, I've seen fewer cupcakes at a 10 year old's birthday party... but it's just as well, both teams are well rested for next Saturday, when it all comes down to in-state bragging rights as the Civil War of Utah takes place between the two schools. It's on BYU's home turf, as they will come in ranked 25th, and Utah is unranked... but expect that not to mean much ... this game is a war all its own... and the word on the street is that a certain FP member and a certain Spirit member have a friendly wager on the contest ;)
NOTRE DAME saved themselves from a winless season at home by beating up on a hapless Duke team made of mostly of guys who didn't make the basketball team and the runners up of the intramural badminton competition. Honestly, watching this team hold up their helmets after this win is laughable... Irish Pride... what a joke. These fans wouldn't know class if it walked up and slapped them. Good to see them where they belong - at the bottom.
NAVY - beat up on Northern Illinois 35-24... which is no big surprise, but it's nice to see us finally play some defense... but there IS big news.. NAVY has already accepted their bowl bid to play in the Poinsetta Bowl on Dec. 20 in San Diego...
It's a Thursday, and there's no game that day... so I'll be taking the train down to watch my boys do some SERIOUS damage to a yet-unnamed Pac-10 team. Let me know if you want to join me... because if you think I get rowdy watching the Clippers... just wait until you see me watching my NAVY FOOTBALL (ask David S.)
Okay folks... almost done... SUNDAY QUOTES OF THE WEEK!
"It was HORRIBLE" - Cortlin bemoaning the horror of third level seats
"Hey Glenn, I like your jeans... and I'm not just saying that because your crotch is in my face.... hey! why does everyone keep putting their crotch in my face?!" - Nicole B., while sitting in the MIDDLE of the locker room floor stretching...
"She's 18!" - Jessie when someone asked her how old the national anthem singer was on Saturday
"...happy birthday dear Joey..." - the Sunday workout crew, the first time we've ever sung while doing flutter kicks
"...those girls are crazy, that s*&t is dangerous!" - Nate Robinson of the New York Knicks after seeing us throw baskets at center court.
"Of course!" - Leslie, when asked by a group of kids if they could have a hug.
"Uh, no..." - Leslie, when asked by creepy grown-up Laker-jersey-wearing fan behind said group of kids if he could have a hug, too.
"" - me, when Katie was looking in the mirror wondering if her jeans shorts were too low, identifying the color of her underwear from 5 feet away
Okay, all, it's late and that's all I can remember.. maybe I should take notes after all ;)
Just wanted to leave you with an excerpt from a piece I wrote for a writing competition about why I love L.A . which I think is especially applicable this time of year:
To my mind, the only true happiness is in the connections, and the unearthing of like minds and commiserating souls. There is only true happiness in love, empathy, sacrifice, in the grace of unselfish generosity, and in forgiveness. In that, there is no greater place which holds the opportunity for happiness than this. In this place where time is so commoditized and scant, making time to spend with others speaks in greater volume than any other gift. In this place where seductions are peddled on every corner, and the ways of so many are lost, the chances for forgiveness surround us. In this place where the business of lies and portrayal lays its foundation, and so many souls tread about silently and smilingly overburdened, the ability to empathize, listen and understand provides the much needed oasis for our inescapable emotional thirst.
For those of you working Wednesday, I'll see you soon... for the rest, please have a wonderful holiday, be safe and God Bless you!
Truitt, OUT
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