Okay, first off, I know it's Monday morning, and I really meant to send this last night... and after contemplating any number of much more entertaining excuses (neighborhood insurrection, the dog ate my e-mail, distress over the 'Rock of Love' finale) I'll just be honest, I ate too much ice cream, watched a movie ('Fracture') and passed out early. Yeah, I know, you can't spell 'lame' without 'me' :)
But, it was quite a weekend... for Spirit, for Fan Patrol, and for college football! Seriously, does it get any better than this?!
First off, the scrimmage, which I missed for the first time in three years (single tear...). But I have it on good authority that it went off swimmingly... Things I learned via text message and debrief:
1. We won.
2. Al Thorton (our top draft pick, who I couldn't have picked out of a lineup before draft day) looked VERY good. Woo hoo, look who's finally drafting smart!
3. The bus trip back STILL sucks. Why is there traffic back into L.A. on Saturday night?
4. Backup center Josh Davis is stepping up.. good, maybe someone to kick the Caveman in the butt. A fauxhawk? Really? This guy is officially a hair disaster. Come on, Harmony, help this fool out!
5. The jeans shorts do not work for stunting. [This comment did not, under any circumstances, come from any one person]
6. Ralph's player intros still run a bit long.
7. We brought the makeup girl along on the trip.
So, hey, congrats and props to everyone who worked the scrim... and SORRY I missed it. I promise to be at all the preseason games and opening night to make it up to you! But thanks to all who texted me after the game...
Football? Well, what can I say? The school where I attended grad school (which for the record, is never referred to as "my school"... that's NAVY, who is playing on Wednesday night... yes, WEDNESDAY) pulled off one of the most startling upsets ever - beating the vaunted Trojans at the Coliseum. Wow. I'll let Jessie take the smack talking from here.
BYU had a bye. (No doubt gearing up to whup up one someone next week)
UCLA... let me down in a big way. Yes, I know they had a third string quarterback who looked like they grabbed him out of the stands to play, but how you give Notre Dame it's FIRST win of the year... at the ROSE BOWL... is a mystery to me. Much more disappointing than what USC did. I mean, come on, no one HATES Stanford... But the Irish? Seriously? HOW COULD YOU? UCLA, you're dead to me.
Okay - so college football was exciting, but mostly a disaster. At LEAST you can count on a little sunshine on Wednesday night, when we'll bust into Pittsburgh and blow up our first Big East team.
FP: A bit of a mess. Props to:
Josh for doing his level best.
Tami and Nina for stepping into and stepping up their basket tosses. You both looked great.
Nate & Joey, strong work, as always.
For the rest of us, we'll do better in the 909 next weekend.
SPIRIT: New choreography, new choreographer. Way to hang in there on a Sunday night! You all are going to be great this season! (or so I hear...)
Okay... some final notes:
SHAMELESS PLUG - I wrote a new article that's entered into a local writing contest. Thanks to those of you who have been so effusively supportive of my work in the past, and I hope you enjoy this piece. The contest was to write about the city in which you live. My piece is entitled: " The L.A. Connection: The Lovers, The Dreamers, and Me"
Stop on by, take a read, and hey, maybe even sign up and leave me some stars. :)
HOCKEY SEASON started on Saturday, the new on-ice projection system is amazing. Next home game is Friday, I hope some of y'all will come out and see me! Yes, sliding on the ice is EXACTLY as much fun as it looks like... maybe more. PLEASE let me know if you're coming to a game - I get to help pick folks for promotional games, and wouldn't it be fun to have a couple of Spirit or FP in the big, inflatable hamster balls?!
MY ABS don't miss Katie, but I do ;)
THE PRESEASON is less than two weeks away.... get excited people... it's COMING.
NFL CHEERLEADER BLOG... check it out... mostly so I won't feel smarmy for being the only guy to check it out.... thanks in advance. Oh, and they did a couple of nice, long pieces on the Spirit... with pictures.
THIS IS TOO LONG... so that's it. See you all soon!
~ Glenn
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